McDonald’s is an American fast-food brand that was founded in 1940 as a restaurant. It was established by Richard and Maurice McDonald. It was established in San Bernardino, California, United States of America. What Fish Does McDonald’s Use?

McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich is one of the most popular McDonald’s food items across the globe. In this article, we will discuss what fish McDonald’s uses to make their famous sandwich. We will also throw some light on questions like what the other ingredients are used in Filet-O-Fish and are Filet-O-Fish a healthy food item for customers.
What Fish Does McDonald’s Use?
McDonald’s uses the wild Alaskan Pollock fish that is captured at Dutch Harbour, Alaska, United States of America, to make their famous Filet-O-Fish sandwich. The fish is filleted and kept for 72 hours in that frozen state. McDonald’s is the only fast-food brand that uses Marine Stewardship Council certified fish.
Pollock Fish
Pollock fish, also known as Coley, Boston Blue, Saithe, Coalfish, and many more. These fish have garnered a popular image within the economy, as well as the food sector
Pollock Fish as Food
As already mentioned above, people across the US consume this fish, but they are more commonly used in other famous products like fish sticks and imitation crab meat.
Habitat Preferences
These fish are observed to live in different geographical regions across different ages. Research has observed that younger Pollock fish prefer to live in habitats closer to shore, while older Pollock fish prefer to live in deeper, more open waters
Pollock (or pollack) is a common name used to acknowledge two species of North Atlantic marine fish in the genus Pollachius. One of the most famous food items that comprise this fish is the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish.
Pollock Fish VS Other Fishes
In comparison to other fishes like Salmon, Tuna, and Cod, which are consumed widely across the United States of America, Pollock fish is considered a much better whitefish. This is because Salmon, Tuna, and Codfish types are popularly served fried, which disrupts the whole purpose of eating fish to acquire protein. Alaska Pollock, on the other hand, is not served fried and thus is considered a better value whitefish in the market.
McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish is one of the most popular McDonald’s food items within the United States of America and across the globe. McDonald’s uses the wild Alaskan Pollock fish that is captured at Dutch Harbour, Alaska, United States of America, to make their famous Filet-O-Fish sandwich. To ensure the freshness and flavour of the food item, the fish is filleted and kept for 72 hours in that frozen state. McDonald’s is the only fast-food brand that uses Marine Stewardship Council certified fish.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question1) Can Pollock fish be domesticated?
Answer) No. Individuals are advised not to domesticate this fish type since they can grow up to sizes that are not ideal to accommodate within a home aquarium.
Question2) How much care does a Pollock fish require?
Answer) Public aquariums that have this fish type available keep them in immense saltwater tanks. As already mentioned above, they can’t be kept inside houses, thus, individuals can often encounter them in aquariums of schools or other institutional buildings.
They can be fed a wide variety of foods including smelt, herring, squid, capelin, and so on.
Question3) How does a Pollock fish behave?
Answer) These fishes are known to reflect social behaviour like that of an adult. Their groups are referred to as schools. As a junior Pollock fish grows, it starts moving farther offshore. They are also observed to make groups of large numbers.
Researchers have also stated that these fish carry out out migration during their breeding season. But, once the breeding season is over, these fish show a preference for habitat in the same area, instead of travelling long distances.
Question4) Is there any difference between Alaskan Pollock fish and Cod Fish?
Answer) The Wild Alaskan Pollock (the fish that is used to make the famous Filet-O-Fish) is different from the Pacific Codfish (another very famous fish across other US restaurants), however, they do possess a lot of similarities.
The only similarity between the two is the low-fat percentage they have. Furthermore, both the fishes are also white and mild in flavour.
However, when it comes to differences, the Alaskan Pollock fish is much softer in comparison to the Pacific Codfish. The difference in texture is the only difference both these fishes have.
Question5) Is the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish fried?
Answer) Yes. McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish is indeed a fried food item. The item is fried to enhance its taste. In addition, the presence of the tartar sauce also adds flavour to the item.
Question6) What countries can access McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish?
Answer) As already mentioned above, McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish is one of the most popular McDonald’s food items not just inside the United States of America, but also across the globe.
Apart from the United States of America, customers residing in the below-mentioned countries can buy the famous McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish
-New Zealand
Apart from these countries, customers residing in many other countries can also access Filet-O-Fish. To access the updated and complete list of countries, customers can visit their nearest McDonald’s store and enquire about the food item.