Work can get stressful. However, sometimes it can get bad and overwhelming, even prompting an individual to quit. In this day and age, when we’re constantly talking about mental health and its importance, the decision to leave work because of the negative consequences it might have on your health is a legitimate one.
Writing a resignation letter due to health and stress issues is an extremely delicate and sensitive matter. On one hand, one needs to provide their employer with the reasoning behind their resignation with utmost gratitude and perhaps, even an apology. On the other hand, one wrong word can create a strain between you and your previous employers.
This article tries to provide a sample of how one can write an empathetic and impactful resignation letter especially when the reason for resignation is something as delicate as stress and strain (which can even be a result of your work environment itself).
Things to Keep in Mind
Before we begin, here are just a few points that you should keep in mind before drafting your letter.
- Try providing your employer with a two weeks notice. A lot of companies mention a stipulated period of time and other guidelines when it comes to handing in your resignation and it is always a good thing to stick to these regulations to prevent any confusion in the future. However, in case you feel that giving a two weeks notice will not be possible, then you should consider having a word with your human resource representative first.
- Be delicate when writing these letters. Delicate here does not mean that it is essential that you reveal all details of your personal and private lives. In fact, do not push yourself to discuss matters that you aren’t comfortable with. If you prefer to write a short and to-the-point letter, then go ahead. However, make sure that your letter addresses your supervisor respectfully, handles your resignation sensitively, and does not dump all the blame on the corporate and the management.
- Check your eligibility for leave benefits. Before quitting, go through your health benefits once again.
- Be confident. Resigning is not a bad thing nor should it make you feel guilty. Whatever the reason may be, your health should always be prioritized and hence, there is absolutely no reason that you should feel culpable for anything. Take this time to heal and find yourself again.
Sample Letter #1
The following sample letter is for a situation where you giving in even a week’s notice is not possible and the resignation comes unexpectedly.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
My experience under your supervision has been a memorable one. This job and the years that I’ve spent in this industry have all come to become a large part of my life and I’ve spent my time here, diligently working for its unhindered success. Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to continue given that my health has to always come first due to which I need to tender my resignation.
I, Jane Diaz, a regional manager at Mifflin’s and Co. resign from my position effective immediately. I am aware that the decision is unexpected and puts the company in a precarious situation and I apologize for the vacuum it might create in the work order. However, I am happy to assist you in the replacement process.
This decision has not been taken lightly. The long working hours along with the increased workload and familial problems reigning back home have not been good for me and my health. The stress and tension seem unmanageable currently, which is why I’ve decided that it is for the best that I leave my duties at the company for now.
I thank you for your guidance during my time here and I am very grateful for your mentorship. I wish my time here could be longer, but for now, I believe I should focus on my health and lead this path to recovery.
Jane Diaz
An immediate letter of resignation should come with an apology as your unexpected absence might put the company and your supervisors in a tough position. Assure them that you’ll do everything in your power to aid the transition process and won’t immediately cut ties with them. The gesture is one of goodwill and ensures trust within employers.
Sample Letter #2
The following letter is more formal and has a to-the-point approach to the matter.
Dear Ms. Lawrence,
Please accept this letter as my official notice of resignation from my position as a senior manager at Williams and Rogers inc. As per my contract, I am providing you a fourteen-day notice in advance. Therefore, my last day of working would be 27th July 2021, Thursday.
During the past few months, I’ve been troubled by various problems in both my work life as well as my personal life, the combination of which has left me overwhelmed with stress and tension which has started to have repercussions on my health, impacting all spheres of my life. This unprecedented emotional turmoil, combined with stress has prompted me to take a break from work.
Thank you for providing me a chance to work here.
Yours Sincerely,
Rebecca Schrute
Sample Letter #3
The sample below has a more personal and emotional approach. You might prefer to have a similar approach in case you share a close relationship with your mentors and peers.
Dear Mr. Hudson,
It greatly saddens me to write you this letter of resignation. I, Karen Greene, resign from my position as the coordinator of the English department at FYP High School, effective the end of this month.
I am utterly grateful for the time I spent here and all the opportunities I got to avail myself. However, the past few months of my life have been riddled with constant, unpredictable changes which have led to a lot of emotional turmoil in my life. I’ve been experiencing chronic headaches and dealing with a great load of stress and emotional upheaval, which has resulted in a decline in my productivity at work and a feeling of disconnect with my peers.
This decision of mine has been taken after consulting my family and close friends, all of whom feel that quitting work, for now, will help me heal and deal with the changes in my life in a healthier manner.
I have very much enjoyed my time here at FYP and have given the institution a decade of my life and effort and I wish I could still continue to work here. Thank you for the opportunities you have provided me and I wish everyone at FYP all the best for their future endeavors.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Greene
Remember, at the end of the day resigning should be your own decision and how you convey the news to your seniors should also be your own choice. Stress and troubled health are unpredictable and can impact people in various ways. In many cases, one can not even establish a concrete framework for their own recovery. In such situations, it is best to prioritize yourself and give yourself as much time as you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is stress a ‘good enough’ reason to resign?
Yes. Stress is not just ‘good enough’ but a very very valid reason to quit your job. A stressful life can pose a variety of problems and one’s health should always be on top of the priority list.
Q2. Is it necessary for me to reveal all details of my life in order to make my resignation seem legit?
Absolutely not! Feelings of extreme stress and tension are valid in themselves. You as an employee are not obligated to lay out the knicks and knacks of your life to your employer for your reason to seem ‘legit.’ Reveal what you wish to and share whatever you’re comfortable sharing.
Q3. How long should my letter of resignation be?
It should not take more than a single page. The length does not matter as long as you mention the important details like when is your last day of work and your reason for resignation. As long as your basics are covered, your letter is very much acceptable.