Does Invisalign Have Payment Plans?

Here we will see about the Does Invisalign Have Payment Plans

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern clear orthodontic tool that brings about tooth movement while being completely indifferent due to its clear nature. Use of Invisalign has seen an increase in recent times due to the increase in the number of adult orthodontic cases requiring better aesthetics.

Does Invisalign Have Payment Plans

Does Invisalign have payment plans?

Invisalign is a doctor-directed treatment and not an instrument directly sold to the patients. Most of the providers or dentists have a provision for payment plans which usually are the cost of the treatment spread over a particular period of time or the complete treatment duration. In some cases, the provider may provide payment plans while charging a small amount of interest on it. Contact your dentist or Invisalign provider to know about these plans.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

Invisalign comes with a lot of advantages over traditional braces. 

  • 1.Nearly invisible – Invisalign aligners are virtually impossible to see and hence you smile with confidence all the time without worrying about the appearance.
  • 2.Removable – Invisalign aligners are made with flexible material which makes it easy to remove and put on unlike traditional metal braces which are fixed.
  • 3.No restrictions – With traditional metal braces, there are dietary restrictions. Whereas, since Invisalign is removable, you can eat anything you like, anytime you want! There are no restrictions whatsoever!
  • 4.Lesser pain – The technology behind Invisalign ensures gradual and gentle yet effective forces that bring about tooth movement with least amount of pain and irritation.
  • 5.Fewer visits to the dental office – Invisalign treatment requires a recall period after every 6 to 8 weeks, which is almost twice as long as compared to the traditional braces which requires a recall after every 3 to 4 weeks. This gives patients more time to do what they love while also looking good while doing it.
  • 6.Clearer timelines and more predictability – Since every stage of the treatment is visualized, a clearer picture of the progress and treatment duration is made available to the patient. Braces can only provide an approximate treatment duration, which usually changes as treatment progresses.
  • 7.Better oral health – Since Invisalign aligners are removable, maintenance of better oral hygiene is made possible as you can still brush and floss as per normal routine easily.

Who can use Invisalign?

Invisalign or clear aligners are used in case of minor occlusal disturbances such as gaps in between the teeth, minor overbite, underbite, etc. However, Invisalign treatment costs a hefty sum on your pocket as compared to the traditional metal braces. On the other hand, Invisalign is not associated with problems such as minor abrasions or metal allergies and is also aesthetic.
Due to these reasons, Invisalign is ideal for those people who are in a line of profession where appearance matters a lot or in general are concerned about their appearance while also having money to spend more on it.

What is the cost of Invisalign therapy?

The average cost for Invisalign treatment varies in the range of 3500 to 9500 USD. In cases of minor occlusal discrepancies Invisalign Express is also a viable option with cost varying from 1800 to 3000 USD. However, both these options seem rather expensive for most of the population, even if you desire a pleasing smile. 

But why are Invisalign aligners expensive? What contributes to its price?

The cost of aligners depends on different factors such as – Fees to the orthodontists which vary according to the experience and expertise of the orthodontist, initial consultation fee and radiograph charges which vary anywhere in between 200 to 400 USD, intraoral scanning and making of 3D simulations, switching of aligners every 2 weeks after wearing them for 22hrs a day, and post treatment cost of night retainers. All these add up to bring the total to a high cost.

What are my payment options?

There are many ways your Invisalign provider or your orthodontist may offer to pay for the treatment costs and how you can cut down your costs. Some of them include:

1) Complete upfront payment of the treatment cost
2) One method to cut down your cost can be by asking a different or less experienced orthodontist who may potentially charge less for the same services offered.
3) Few dental insurance companies and health savings accounts may cover your costs for aligner therapy.
4) Invisalign Payment Plans – These are usually different with different orthodontists. You may typically be asked to pay an upfront down payment to get started and pay the remaining amount for the treatment duration.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Invisalign worth it?

Ans – Invisalign can be considered as a cosmetic adjustment to your smile. Thus, it is worth it if you feel it is worth spending more to gain a confident smile and carry the process in an aesthetic way.

  1. Can I just wear any Invisalign product?

Ans – No. Invisalign is not made from a mold, but is a custom fit according to your scan. Contact your orthodontist if you want to know more about it.

  1. Are there any alternatives to Invisalign?

Ans – Apart from the traditional and cost-effective metal or ceramic braces, there are also other clear aligner companies that can be an alternative to Invisalign. These include brands such as Smile Direct Club and ClearCorrect.

Does Invisalign Have Payment Plans?

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