Does FedEx Take Passport Photos?

Does FedEx Take Passport Photos?

Some companies always end up failing because they never want to face problems. On the other hand, some companies can face problems courageously to achieve their goals. One of them is FedEx. The company confronted a lot of problems during the initial years of its business. But currently, FedEx is the leading company in their field. It is the largest logistic company in the world. FedEx provides modern express transportation services, services of formulating expedition passports and doing deliveries. Let’s learn – ‘Does FedEx Take Passport Photos?’ ‘How much do they charge for it?’ ‘How long do they take to process the photos?’ ‘Do they print passport size photos?’

All the information related to FedEx and their services related to passport photos is mentioned in this article. Make sure to go through the entire article to know everything about FedEx and their passport photo service. 

Does FedEx Take Passport Photos?

Yes, FedEx provides the service of clicking passport photos. For getting a passport photo clicked from FedEx you will have to find a convenient FedEx office near your location. They will take less than one hour to process the photos for the passport. Within an hour they will provide you with the passport photos that you wanted from them. It will cost you around $15. 

What is the cost of a passport photo from FedEx? 

The cost of two passport photos to submit with the application of passport will be $14.95 at FedEx. You can make the payment through cash, credit card, debit card, other mobile payments, and bank transfer as well. A passport photo is not something that can be taken lightly. This is a government document that needs to exist decently so that your application for the passport doesn’t get rejected. That is why FedEx charges a little bit more for passport photos. 

How to get a passport photo from FedEx? 

The process of getting a passport photo from FedEx is very convenient and simple. There are just a few simple steps that you will need to follow for getting a passport photo in a short time through FedEx. The steps of getting a passport photo from FedEx are mentioned below:- 

  • Search for a FedEx convenient office near your location. (You can check it on Google maps) 
  • Search about what timings they are usually open and close. 
  • According to your convenience and their schedule, reach the store to get the passport photos. 
  • As the next step, you will have to talk to the receptionist or to any of the staff present there for the service you want. (To get a photo for passport) 
  • They will tell you if the service of a passport photo is available or not at the time. 
  • After confirming that they have the service of passport photo, you will proceed with the photo-clicking procedure.  
  • As the next step, They will take your photo and show you if it is correct and good enough for you or not. 
  • After your verification, they will print your passport photos in the size required. 

What are the requirements to take a passport photo from FedEx?

A passport photo is a legal document. It should be clicked decently. If your passport photo is not clicked decently and nicely then there might be chances of rejection for the passport application. There are some things that you should make sure while getting clicked for the passport photo at FedEx, they are as follow:- 

  • Make sure that the background is plain and white. 
  • Make sure that you are not wearing white or light color shades, because it gets blended with the white background. 
  • Avoid wearing hats and caps. 
  • If you wear headgear for religious purposes then make sure it does not cover your face. The facial features need to be visible. 
  • Avoid wearing clothes that have loud patterns. 
  • Make sure to maintain neutral facial expressions. 
  • Make sure that the lighting is not too dark or too bright for the picture. 
  • Your photo dimensions need not be very close or very far 
  • Make sure that your hair is not creating a disturbance with your facial features.
  • If you wear glasses then make sure there is no reflection of something on them.
  • Make sure to keep your head straight and do not tilt it. 


In conclusion, Yes is the answer to your question. FedEx provides the services of clicking and printing passport photos. They provide two passport photos for the price of $14.95.  You will have to follow some basic requirements for getting a passport photo that could be evaluated for the application process rather than getting rejected. 

  1. How much time does FedEx take to print passport photos? 

FedEx will print out the passport photos within an hour. 

  1. Is makeup allowed in passport photos? 

Yes, it is allowed to apply makeup in passport photos but make sure that you are applying only a minimal amount of it.

  1. What is the size required for a passport photo?

The size required for a passport photo is 4.5 × 3.5 cm.

Does FedEx Take Passport Photos?

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