Does Ez Pass Work In Illinois?- Know More


Are you excited to read the topic Does Ez Pass Work In Illinois?

E-Z pass is a system of toll collection, Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) used in around seventeen states in the US as of now. They are headquartered in Delaware. Their system is simple and efficient, so you will not have to stay too long waiting in the queue. If you do not use a toll pass like this, you will have to pay in cash, and it will most likely have more waiting time. Also, tolls that accept cash will not be operational for long. As everything is digital now, the toll system has also jumped on the e-bandwagon. 

Does Ez Pass Work In Illinois?

As tolls take a lot of time, with waiting in queues, stopping to pay, and looking for a change, governments worldwide have been switching to an online toll system. They believe that traffic will move faster like this, and there are great advantages that this system offers. Having an e-pass comes at a lower cost and less wastage of time. 

Those who use I-Pass or E-Z Pass will get a 50% discount at tolls. You can travel across the country, without having to pay additional fines or fees. There are some suspected privacy concerns, but citizens do not have another option here. 

Every state accepts different systems though, it is not uniform all over the country. Illinois has its network; the I-Pass system. You can still use your E-Z pass though because E-Z and I-Pass are integrated. You can get past Illinois’s tolls without any problems with your E-Z pass. Because of this integration, any E-Z pass holder can travel to a place where I-Pass is the norm, and vice versa also works. 

How does an E-pass work?

An e-pass requires you to have enough balance in your account. It works like a prepaid system. You will have to continue adding money to your account as the number of tolls you encounter increases. You will have to pay a certain amount to buy a transponder, which will go on the front of your vehicle, which is usually placed on the inside of a car’s windshield. 

When you pass through a toll lane, this transponder is activated by the antenna placed in the lane. They work based on radio frequencies. Your account’s information will be there in the transponder. The transponder and the antenna interact to complete the transaction in a matter of seconds. The required amount from your account will be deducted and you can go ahead. 

The time, date, and amount of your transaction will be recorded in the system. There will be video cameras everywhere, so if you try to drive through without paying, you will get a violation notice in the mail. 

What Do You Have To Do?

These are a few basic things everyone has to do to get through the online toll system.

  • 1.Register to get your e-pass.
  • 2.Get your transponder.
  • 3.Fix it in an appropriate place in your car.
  • 4.Link your bank account to your e-pass.
  • 5.Make sure to always have enough balance before traveling.
  • 6.Just follow directions at the toll.
  • 7.Keep recharging your account. You can make the refills automatic.
  • 8.When your transponder expires, order a new one. 

How To Get An E-Z Pass?

In case you do not have an account yet, here are the steps you will have to follow to get an E-Z Pass. You will have to make a minimum deposit upfront when applying, around $35, and this amount will be used for your transponder and tolls that you go through. Some states offer further discounts for travelers who use their passes very often, so you can check the website of your state to get some fun discount programs. Your car will have to be either leased or owned by you, they do not offer E-Z passes otherwise. This includes cars that are given to employees by companies, or business vehicles. 

Follow the below steps:

  1. Visit the E-Z pass website.

2. Click on the ‘’Sign up’’ button.

3. Choose the name of the state that you are living in.

4. Click on the ‘’enroll online’’ option to register.

5. You will get a form where you will have to enter some details. 

6. Fill out the given form and choose to apply.

7. You will get your profile registered and your E-Z tag, i.e your transponder in about a week. Usually, you will get it in two days. 

8. Don’t make mistakes with your transponder, look it up online or ask someone who knows before fixing it in your car.

9. And that’s it! Your toll payment process is simplified. 


If you’re traveling to Chicago, having an E-Z pass certainly works, and you can travel without worries about the toll system. If you get an I-Pass, you can go through any road in Chicago easily. That is up to you, however. You should be able to decide depending on the states you frequently visit. Happy Traveling! 

Does Ez Pass Work In Illinois?- Know More

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