Having a cellphone in your possession requires you to think wisely about which network to go through with. The cellphone companies face tough competition in the market and to grab your attention and your loyal support they turn towards market campaigns to improve their sales and enhance their profit! Here we are comparing two of the most well-esteemed networks MetroPCS and Boost.
Comparing MetroPCS and Boost
While comparing the telecommunications company, Boost, which was founded in the year 2000, MetroPCS went a few years back; it came into existence in the year 1994. To know which one of these have the upper hand, let us analyze them based on a few points:
Network Coverage
When choosing a telecommunications company, the first thing that you should look for is the network coverage that it provides. To compare the two on this basis, you need to know their parent companies. While MetroPCS is owned by T-Mobile, Boost is owned by Sprint.
This itself tips the scale in MetroPCS’s favor. T-Mobile offers the fastest network while Sprint is right behind it. Moreover, when it comes to 4G, people have noticed that MetroPCS provides a better speed than Boost, with an average speed of 22.1 Mbps as compared to the latter’s 16.8 Mbps.
The next thing for you to consider is the plan that these companies offer and whether they are budget-friendly. When it comes to individuals, you must know that MetroPCS is quite dominant in this sphere. MetroPCS offers four plans: a $40 plan, a $50 plan, a $60 plan, and a 2 GB plan.
On the other hand, Boost only has two plans: a $35 plan for 3GB of LTE data, and a $50 unlimited plan. However, Boost imposes certain limitations such as limited video and music streaming. Nevertheless, when it comes to family plans, you might want to consider Boost as it offers bigger savings. Further, if you decide to switch over from Cricket or MetroPCS, you can avail yourself unlimited data for just $100 per month!
Network Data Caps
Data caps are the restrictions imposed by telecommunications companies according to the plans they offer. If you are considering Boost as a serious option, you must be aware that it applies restrictions on streaming videos and music, although there is no data cap as such. However, even though MetroPCS does not apply any data cap, the streaming videos that you watch cannot be more than 480p.
Customer Service
As regards Boost’s customer service, you must know that it is very quick and friendly. With just one click at their website, you can have access to their customer service. Although Boost’s automated response is appreciated, when faced with a real problem, their employees are not easily accessible. When it comes to MetroPCS, their phone service is available 24 hours a day but you will not receive a good tech-support response.
Phone Selection
When it comes to phone selection both companies consider low-cost options. Although Boost offers 30 phones, 22 of them will cost you less than $200. On the other hand, MetroPCS offers exclusive phones of its own and almost 20 phones that will cost you less than $200.
Boost and MetroPCS: Perks Provided
Besides all this, you must be aware of the additional benefits that each of these companies offers. In the case of Boost, you are likely to get the free music service of Tidal, since most people prefer this over Spotify or iTunes. Moreover, it aligns with your budget if you keep track of their seasonal promotions.
When it comes to MetroPCS, if you consider the $50 or $60 plans, you can easily get hold of Amazon Prime and Google Storage free of cost. Further, this makes you eligible to use their 5G network which is recently launched and aids you with a quicker browsing capacity!
Choosing a suitable telecommunications network company that caters to most of your needs, if not every, can be a tedious task. However, if you have been oscillating between the two companies, MetroPCS and Boost, you must know by now which of the two companies suits you best! From offering free Amazon Prime to free music streaming, the two are quite at each other’s heels. Nevertheless, if you are considering getting an individual plan, then MetroPCS must seem like a good option to you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can I buy the iPhone X through MetroPCS?
Yes, MetroPCS offers iPhone X. However, you will receive it at the same price as buying it on Apple’s website.
- Which of the two offers network coverage in remote areas?
When it comes to offering network coverage in remote areas, you should go with MetroPCS. Boost does not provide a good network in rural areas.
- What are the best phones offered by the Boost network?
Some of the best phones are LG Stylo 6 Unlocked Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy J7, LG K51 Unlocked Smartphone, LG Volt 2 No Contact Phone, TCL 20 SE 6.82 Unlocked Phone, Samsung Galaxy A12, and many more!