Why is OSB so Expensive?- Know more

Why is OSB so Expensive?



The Oriented Strand Board is a type of wood used for structural support of the building. It is an engineered wood panel material in which long chains of wood are bonded with synthetic resin adhesive. OSB is composed of three layers, with the outer strands two layers directed in a certain direction, more often than not in the long direction of the panel. Let’s read Why is OSB so Expensive?


One of the reasons why OSB is so expensive is that it is used in building construction. It makes up elements of the structural support for a home as well as its framework. They are used in the shape of floors, walls, and roofs. Since it’s used a lot, contractors and builders need a lot of it.



OSB is expensive because it is durable and requires resources and processes. While OSB is similar to particleboard or plywood, many builders prefer the use of OSB because there is greater durability. When building a house what matters is durability. Building a solid product comes with an expense.  Due to this reason, they often invest in a more expensive material, providing greater durability like OSB. 

Engineering Process

Because the OSB design process takes up a lot of resources and time, it can be costly. Because a lot of labor goes into the engineering process, it makes the product expensive. 


The price fluctuates based on the thickness of the Board. 

There are three OSB thickness standards.

They include:




The thicker the board the need for wood chips and adhesive in its creation increases.

High Demand

Another factor that led to the price increase is its high demand. The demand for OSB is always on the higher side because of its use in construction. Builders are always in need of OSB

Forest fires

Another major issue affecting the price of OSB is forest fires. Whether it’s in California, Canada, or the Amazon, trees used for lumber are burning. OSB is expensive, because of the forest fires and reduction in the viable trees to cut.

Seasonal Shopping

The time you shop for OSB can also determine how expensive it is. The spring and summer are the most expensive months to buy an OSB. There are some DIYers, government workers, and private contractors who use OSB.

Home building Increased

OSB is expensive because of the home-buying addiction. More families are looking to buy a new home due to the rate cut, the needs of the OSB also increased. 

Due to the inability to deal with suppliers increasing demand the price of OSB increased.

Slow Mill Expansion

The OSB is expensive because it takes a long time to expand a wood processing plant and increase its supply of output. The best way for lumber companies to meet demand is to expand their mills. With more mills, more workers can be employed and more goods produced. However, the construction of mills takes a long time


If you are planning a construction project and require OSB, then you might be looking for ways to save money.

Because the price is very high, it can increase the price of your project 

Here are some tips that you can use to save money on OSB.

Choose Plywood 

Plywood is far superior to OSB in some cases. In many cases owners used to select the OBS, because it is less expensive than plywood, but this is not the case. If it fits your project, then you may want to consider using a cheaper alternative for your building’s structural support like plywood.


The primary reason, OSB prices are so high now, is that the supplier is not able to fill the hole that increased the purchase of OSB. 

If you can wait a few years, then you do that.

It will allow the supplier to regulate the market and bring the price of OSB down.

Reclaimed OSB

This is a type of OBS that has been in use but also had gone through the recovery process.

It is durable and reliable as the new OSB

The advantage is that, because it is reclaimed, it tends to go for a much cheaper price.


The OSB  board is specially large and is a long piece of geometric form. They are pure wood, Pinewood Poplars, and a variety of wood is also mixed. 

While particleboard it can demonstrate that the surface layer is thinner and the core layer is thicker.


Panels protected by shingles or steel roof, or behind siding or brick veneer usually last as long as the structure stands. OSB which is protected from the elements and sealed with paint or stain can last for decades. 


OSB is saturated and designed with a cocktail of resins to offer superior strength and waterproofing to the final product. This type of Board is a very good material for waterproofing systems whether it’s a roof or wall.


OSB is expensive because of a variety of factors that affect supply and demand.

Since it is mainly used for Home Construction, the prices often fluctuate based on the housing market.

Despite its cost, there are several ways you can save money on OSB.


What to use instead of OSB?

In addition to OSB, construction workers can choose plywood, fiber Board, rigid foam, diagonal boards, as well as fiberglass faced gypsum Board

Is OSB stronger than plywood?

Yes! OSB is stronger than Plywood. Through the shear value, its thickness is about 2 times more than plywood. This is one of the reasons OSB is used for webs of wooden I-joists.

Should OSB be installed vertically or horizontally?

If the wall height is less than 8 feet, install plywood (or OSB) vertically. If the wall height is more than 8 feet, install plywood (or OSB) horizontally.

Why is OSB so Expensive?- Know more

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