How can students monitor and assess their behavior?

Self-monitoring and assessment are one of the best things a student must engage in because it makes you stay on track and live your life to the fullest, putting on the right attitude to live and tracking your success on self-development. In this article will see, How can students monitor and assess their behavior?

How can students monitor and assess their behavior?

Students can monitor and assess their behavior by self-discovery, reflecting on their behavior, and setting a goal on how to improve their behavior and become a better version of themselves.


Self-monitoring is the process of looking inward and trying to correct wrongs, flaws, and incapacity to become a better version of oneself. It is the constant check of who you are, and if you’re on the track of the person you might be.

Importance of self-monitoring

  • intrapersonal relationship
  • Self-monitoring makes the student aware of who they are and what they want from life
  • Self-monitoring keeps students on track with a good behavior
  • Self-monitoring makes students live up to expectations
  • Self-monitoring enables students to know where they are coming from and where they are going
  • it enables students to constantly have a burning desire to succeed
  • It enhances the relationship between students and teachers
  • It is the best way to monitor student behavior than the teacher trying to evaluate the student’s behavior

Other ways students can monitor and assess their behavior Self-monitoring strategies

Monitoring and measurement of actions can occur through several methods:

  • Checklists
  • Parent/Teacher/Student communication sheets (where the child inputs behaviors throughout the day)
  • Journaling 
  • Have an accountability partner

Checklists: To actively do self-monitoring, you must have a checklist. A checklist is a long list of things you want to achieve within a stipulated period. A checklist helps you to keep track of the things you want to achieve

Parent/Teacher/Student Communication Sheets (Where The Child Inputs Behaviors Throughout The Day): This is a communication and engaging sheets that enable the parent/teacher/students to review the progress of the child in the long run

Journaling: Journaling helps you keep track of the things you want to do, your daily activities, and your dreams.

Things to write in your journal

  • Your daily activities
  • Gratitude
  • The highlight of your day
  • Things that give you fulfillment 
  • Things you want to get done
  • Your dreams
  • Why you are proud of yourself
  • Your progress

Have an accountability partner: As a student, your best friend in school can be your accountability partner, the person is just someone you review your progress with.


This is the measure of the general makeup of oneself. Attitude, performance, and progress. It is an individual review performed to identify elements that can be improved or exploit certain predefined goals.

Self-assessment is aimed at personal development and it helps you track the things you want to develop about yourself. It is the measure of the bridge between the person you are and the person you ought to be.

Importance of self-assessment

  • It enables students to evaluate and judge themselves
  • It develops students’ ability
  • It fosters motivation in students especially when they are not meeting up to the standard
  • It enables students to review their progress
  • It is a good way to be true to yourself
  • It is a good way to self-discovery

It gives students a sense of responsibility and be intentional in moral development and self-growth

Developing high moral and ethical standards as a student

Learning encompasses the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Emphasis must be laid on the affective domain(behavior) of learning because the school is expected to refine a child in all aspects of life.

Ethics can be defined as a set of values that guides an individual on how to live, it is a set of norms that differentiates the good from the bad, what is wrong and what is right, and the just from the unjust.

Students should be able to differentiate between what is right and not right and must abide by the school rules and regulations and must be sold to fulfill their obligation to the school and the society

Examples of moral standards students should inculcate:

  • Integrity
  • Hard work
  • Generosity
  • Gratitude
  • Respect for other people’s religion
  • Equality
  • Fairness
  • Justice
  • Courage
  • Not bullying fellow mates
  • Not sneaking out of school
Behavioral skills developed by self-monitoring and assessment
  • Communication skills
  • Disposition and charisma
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect 
  • Being on time
  • Completing task
  • Intelligence
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
Tips on how to effectively do self-monitoring and assessment
  • Record information as frequently as possible.
  • Be honest and record your current behaviors.
  • Reflect on your behavior and set goals.
  • Write down your goals and continue to monitor your actions as you begin to change

Record Information As Frequently As Possible: Record information in your journal as frequently, and as possible. You must be intentional while recording your information on your behavior. 

Be Honest And Record Your Current Behaviors: It is your information and for you to successfully grow and become a better version of yourself, you have to be honest with yourself. There might be a big disparity between your current behavior and the one you’re working towards. So, be truthful 

Reflect On Your Behavior And Set Goals: If you lack integrity, reflect on it. Reflecting on your behavior makes you know who you are, ask yourself certain questions like, Why do I lack integrity? Now, set SMART goals.

Write Down Your Goals And Continue To Monitor Your Actions As You Begin To Change: Track your progress as you begin to see changes, and give yourself an accolade when you notice a change.

In conclusion, every student is required to monitor and assess themselves daily because assessment makes them measure their progress and become a better version of themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. How should I monitor and assess my behavior as a student?

Reflect on your behavior and set a goal.

Q2. What are strategies for monitoring my behavior?

Have a checklist, improve on your behavior, and review your progress.

Q3. Why should I monitor my behavior?

For overall development intra and inter-personally

Q4. Why should I assess my behavior?

It enables you to evaluate yourself and track your progress.

How can students monitor and assess their behavior?

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