The Cost Of A Finger Surgery- Read More About It

The fingers are a major part of the human hand. It is constructed of ligaments, connecting bone to bone, and three phalanges’ bones each. The finger has no muscles, but there are four joints in each finger. The bones of the finger are called carpals, and there are eight of them on the hand. The human body has ten fingers, each with its own name. The first finger is called the thumb, and the last little finger is called the pinkie. Because of the complexity of the fingers, performing surgery on them due to damage can be very Intricate, detailed, and energy-consuming. Let us know more detail about ‘The Cost Of A Finger Surgery’.

The Cost Of A Finger Surgery

The Cost Of A Finger Surgery

A finger Surgery is a procedure aimed at the replacement, relief, and stability of a damaged or injured finger. The surgery is only recommended when other treatments have proven futile in restoring comfort. A doctor may recommend a finger surgery because of many reasons. Some of them are discussed below. 

  • Finger Arthritis. -arthritis means the inflammation of a joint. Osteoarthritis is an inflammation that occurs at the knuckles of the finger. It is common in older people. The symptoms include pain, swelling, and reduced mobility. With time, if not attended to, symptoms may progress to complete loss of mobility and a crooked finger. While the symptoms are still mild, they can be managed with conservative treatments like medications, but in cases where symptoms are extreme, a finger joint replacement surgery may be necessary. 
  • Trigger finger –This occurs when the tendon flexors become stiff, making it difficult or almost impossible to straighten the finger. Symptoms may include a bump in the palm at the base of the affected finger or sudden locking and straightening of the finger. Severe cases of trigger finger may necessitate the amputation of the tendons, which is a very painful process. Open surgery is performed to correct the stiffening; although there are other types of tendon repair surgery, this procedure has proved to be the safest of all. 
  • Amputated finger- ghastly accidents may lead to cutting off a person’s finger or fingers completely. Such injuries leave the finger susceptible to multiple infections that lead to greater damage. Finger reimplantation reattaches the finger to restore as much function as possible. This is a complex type of surgery where tiny tools are used and it is performed under a microscope. 

The Cost Of A Finger Surgery:

Finger replacement or repair surgeries can be very complex and versatile; hence, precision is required. The complexity can make the costs of these surgeries appear very high. Still, the cost will depend greatly on the following: 

  • Situation to be addressed or diagnosis 
  • Location of the hospital 
  • The doctor performing the surgery. 

For different situations, the following costs may apply. 

  1. Realignment-a finger realignment will cost from $4,500 to $13,000 depending on the above-stated factors. 
  2. Trigger finger surgery or tenosing tenosynovitis- this is a common procedure, and may cost up to $4,000 and above in a local hospital. 
  3. Joint fusion- this procedure requires permanent joint removal to stimulate growth, where the joint once was. It is an expensive procedure, and costs may range from $5,000 to 14,000 dollars depending on certain factors. 

The above-mentioned prices are standard bills for a finger surgery without considering the extra costs. Anesthesia is required during most finger surgeries, and on average, it costs up to $1,500 or more. A health insurance policy can help bear the major part of the cost; a ballpark estimate is usually offered to patients with insurance.

Extra Surgery Costs

  •  Total recovery after a finger surgery can take months. After surgery, the patient must work with a hand therapist to help regain the mobility and strength of the finger. Heavy lifting and hand-straining activities must be avoided to ensure healing.
  • Therapy sessions may cost $60-$90 per week and these sessions may run for up to 8 or 12 weeks, depending on the complexity of the procedure and insurance scheme.


every surgery comes with a risk no matter how little; most surgeries come with the risk of bleeding and infection and other additional risks depending on the type of procedure performed. Incomplete healing is a common after-surgery effect, which is frequently a result of adhering to the physician’s advice on what to and what not to do. The success of a finger surgery depends on the doctor but largely depends on you. 

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How long does a finger surgery take? 

Answer: finger surgeries may take from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It rarely requires holding the patient overnight in the hospital.

  • Will I get a scar on my hand after a surgery?

Answer: not all finger surgeries leave the person with a scar, but some do. A trigger finger surgery will sometimes lead to scarring of the operated area. The physician will discuss all risk factors involved before the surgery.

  • Which surgery procedure is the safest? 

Answer: every finger joint surgery is safe to an extent, though risks or complications may vary. the doctor would know what is best for you and provide you with the safest options.

The Cost Of A Finger Surgery- Read More About It

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