How Do I Find My Dyson Wi-Fi Password?

Are you a new Dyson user and are you confused about how the company’s product works? Well, there is no need to worry, As handling Dyson’s product is not too hard to handle. The company produces intelligent home improvement appliances that ease usage stress on its users. Some of its products require Wi-Fi connections to enhance their productivity and make you happy as a user. Most times, the problem is that new users don’t know how to get the Wi-Fi password for the appliances that need it. Lets know about How Do I Find My Dyson Wi-Fi Password?

How Do I Find My Dyson Wi-Fi Password?

However, you can get the password by checking places like the package of the remote control and the purifier front sticker itself. You can also check the instruction manual of the product to find the Wi-Fi password.

There are a few other places where you can find the Dyson Wi-Fi password and we will discuss them in the article. 

We will also discuss what Dyson does and the kind of products that they offer. It is only perfect if you continue reading this article, as you will learn so much from it. 

What does Dyson do?

Dyson, formally known as Dyson Limited, is a company that focuses on technological products. It is a multinational that James Dyson established in 1991 in Malmesbury city in England. The company is popular for the production of home appliances to help people with the easy running of their homes. Dyson produces appliances like hand dryers, bladeless fans, hair dryers, and lights.

It also produces vacuum cleaners and air purifiers, which use Wi-Fi. Dyson has an application that you can use with some of its products and it makes operating such products easy. The company has grown so big that in 2018; it had over 12 thousand employees in all its offices around the world and it is even larger now. 

Dyson has announced its intention to invest $1.5 billion in Singapore, where it earlier moved its headquarters to.

Dyson had stated that it wanted to produce its first-ever electric vehicle in 2019 and due to the commercial viability of the invention, it called off the plan. The prototype of the electric vehicle, however, got launched in 2020 by Dyson and its headquarters showcased it. 

This goes a long way to show how productive the technology company has been and how big it plans to be. Dyson operates as a private company.

Finding Dyson Wi-Fi password

Out of all the products that Dyson has, the air purifiers use Wi-Fi for a couple of functions. It also works with the Dyson app to make sure of a smooth device operation. You need two different passwords to access the purifier with the app. 

You need your password to the app and the Wi-Fi password of the device for accessibility. Getting your password to the app is mostly not a challenge, but getting the Wi-Fi password could if you don’t know-how. 

The spots below will show you how.

  • You can find the Dyson Wi-Fi password under the purifier filter

If you are looking to find your Dyson Wi-Fi password, a simple spot to check for it is under your purifier itself. The filter spot of the purifier has the Wi-Fi password on it, so can get it from there and use it anytime you forget it. 

  • The sticker on the purifier was the Dyson Wi-Fi password

Another place to check for the Dyson Wi-Fi password is the sticker on the purifier. When you buy the Dyson purifier newly, there is always a sticker that comes with it. Some people, however, take it off, but we advise you not to take it off because it mostly has the Wi-Fi password. 

  • The instruction manual

An instruction manual comes with every device to guide new users on how to use the device. It should be your first go-to when you need help on a device and if there is what the manual doesn’t have, you can refer to the internet. But here, the manual has the Dyson Wi-Fi password that you need, so you can read through it to find the password. 

  • The packaging of the remote control

The last place where you can find the Dyson Wi-Fi password is in the packaging of the device’s remote control. Many people discard the packaging just after unpacking the remote, but it is useful for situations like this. So, get it and check it for the Wi-Fi password.


Dyson has been in business since 1991 and it is efficient in what it does. The company produces hair and hand dryers, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, and a few other products. 

To find the Dyson Wi-Fi password, you need to check on the sticker that is on the purifier and its filter under it. Also, you can find it on the remote packaging and the user manual for the device. 

How Do I Find My Dyson Wi-Fi Password?

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