Worst Colleges In America

All colleges are rated and ranked based on different factors such as their graduation rates, the percentage of graduates that get good jobs, student loan default rates, return on investment after years of graduation, quality of education provided, schools’ reputation, and cost of schooling. There are schools that you should try to avoid even if you think they are affordable to close to where you live. These schools can be frustrating and can make an impact on your career path. Let’s know the worst colleges in America.

Worst Colleges In America

The following colleges are listed as the worst colleges found in America and they are, DeVry University, Coppin State University, Wesley College, Alabama State University, Mayville State University, University of the Southwest, Waldorf University, Philander Smith College, Lindsey Wilson College, Fayetteville State University, Stratford University, Nazarene Bible College, Florida Memorial University, The University of South Carolina Aiken, The University of Montevallo State, Saint Augustine’s University, Shaw University, University of the District of Columbia, Morris College, in no particular order. 

On what factors does a college is defined to be worst:

The worst colleges in America have graduation rates as low as 16% which means that about 84% of students do not graduate within six years of matriculation. Low graduation rates may be a result of poor college support systems, inability to pay high college fees, or personal reasons. Also, the average student debt accumulated has a way of weighing down fresh graduates as they have to pay the debts off. These colleges have students who accumulate loan debts up to about $43,000 which is quite exorbitant. Although attending a college is not cheap, these schools have different policies on their fees. Private schools charge more than public schools, also there are higher fees for out-of-state students. Students pay as high as $44,000 annually in pursuit of a degree. 

20 Worst Colleges in America 

This table shows the 20 worst colleges in America and the year they were founded, location, Number of undergraduates accepted annually, graduation rate, cost of schooling and the average accumulated debt

CollegeYearLocationNo of UndergraduatesGraduation Rate (%)Cost of Schooling ($)Accumulated Loan Debt ($)
DeVry University1931IllinoisAbout 16,00029About 24,000 43,000
Coppin State University1900Baltimore, MarylandAbout 2,5002024,000 for in-state, 30,500 for out-state studentsAbout 24,000
Wesley College1873Montgomery, Delaware2,4001744,00031,500
Alabama State University1867Alabama5,2002122,500 for in-state, 31,000 for out-of-state students33,000
Mayville State University1889Mayville, North Dakota1,2003119,500 for in-state, 22,500 for out-state students21,500
University of the Southwest1962Hobbs, New Mexico4502028,00023,500
Waldorf University1903Forest City, Iowa2,6002321,00028,000
Philander Smith College1877Arkansas7603926,10027,000
Lindsey Wilson College1903Columbia, Kentucky2,5003334,50021,000
Fayetteville State University1867North Carolina5,4005718,000 for in-state, 29,500 for out-state students21,000
Stratford University1976North Virginia1,9003028,50011,000
Nazarene Bible College1964Colorado Springs, Colorado1,40016.427,00042,500
Florida Memorial University1879Miami Gardens, Florida1,8003822,50030,500
The University of South Carolina Aiken1961Aiken, South Carolina3,4004118,600 for in-state, 29,000 for out-of-state students$24,700
The University of Montevallo State1896Montevallo, Alabama2,4004722,100 for in-state, 35,200 for out-state students25,500
Saint Augustine’s University1867Raleigh, North Carolina980267,700 for in-state, 17,900 for out-state students22,500
Grambling State University1901Grambling, Louisiana4,10035$17,50026,000
Shaw University1865Raleigh, North Carolina1,60023$24,70028,200
University of the District of ColumbiaWashington, DC3,9003223,100 for in-state, 29,600 for out-state students22,200
Morris College1908Sumter, South Carolina1,2002920,00026,000


  Making a decision on the college to attend requires a weighing out a lot of options such as the school fees, the graduation rate, the debts accumulated when you graduate. It is best to carefully look at all these factors and select a college that will help you in and outside school. There are colleges that offer a balance in all these factors and make schooling easier than the above listed schools. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the worst college in America? 

The worst college in America is the DeVry University. It is located in Illinois and has about 16,000 undergraduate student intake. It has a very low graduation rate of about 28% and students who graduate have an accumulated debt average of $43,000. 

  • What is the number one college in the United States?

According to QS World University Rankings 2023, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ranks as the top college in United States. This is the 11th consecutive time that MIT tops the global rankings. 

  • What is the least happy university in America? 

The Xavier University in New Orleans is ranked as the least happy university in America. This was ranked based on responses from students when asked if they were happy at their school. 

Worst Colleges In America

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