Workout Machines In Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness is an American franchisor and operator of fitness centers based in Hampton, New Hampshire. The company reports 2,039 clubs, making it one of the largest fitness club franchises by several members and locations. The franchise has locations in the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic, Panama, Mexico, and Australia. It markets itself as a “Judgement Free Zone” that caters to novice and casual gym users and has faced both praise and criticism for its atmosphere. It is reported to be the nation’s fastest-growing fitness center franchise. Let us know ‘Workout Machines In Planet Fitness’.

Workout Machines In Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness is known for its unique rules, whether it is the “Lunk Alarm” being used aggressively in PF or whether it’s the use of ‘’pizza’’ as a reward. Hitherto, there have been various controversies in PF for its rules, still, it is one of the largest fitness centers in America.

How planet fitness work?

Well, unlike most gyms, in planet fitness, you are not supposed to do heavy lifting or drop weights in a shoddy way. If you do so then the lunk arm is supposed to ring, since according to planet fitness this is a clear violation of their ethos i.e “judgment-free zone” 

In planet fitness, you will find free weight machines more in contrary to dumbbells and barbells. Let’s go through it body parts wise: 

  • For upper body

1 Butterfly machine: Works your upper, middle, inner, and lower chest area, along with your biceps and deltoids.

2 Bicep Curl Machine: Builds the long head of the biceps.

3 Cable triceps bar: works the long head of triceps.

4 Cable bicep bar: isolates the upper arm bicep muscles.

5 Incline Press: Develops the upper chest

6 Chest Press: Targets your triceps, deltoids, and pectorals to strengthen and build muscle tissue.

7 Lat Pulldown machine: Strengthens your back muscles.

8 Shoulder Press: Strengthens the front head of the shoulders.

  • For core 

1 Ab Crunch Machine: The machine is designed to target your abdominal muscles.

2 Hanging leg raise Machine: The downward angle works your lower abdominal muscles.

3 Torso rotation machine: It targets your obliques. 

4 Seated machine crunch: It isolates and strengthens your middle abdominal muscles.

  • For lower body

1 Angled leg curl: This equipment primarily targets your hamstrings.

2 Seated leg curl machine: It targets your calves, glutes, hamstrings, hips, and quad.

3 Leg extension machine: It targets your quads and if changed position, it can also target your hamstrings.

  • For stretching

1 Synergy 360 machine: It’s a total body exercise that, hits the major muscle groups of your body.

2 Workout Balls: It strengthens your back and abdominal muscles.

  • For cardio

1 ARC Trainer: Trains your hamstrings, and arms. It also trains the upper body  while maintaining the shape of the lower body  

 2 Elliptical Trainer: This aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, heart, and muscles, improving endurance. 

3 Rowing Machine: Strengthens the cardiovascular system, including blood vessels, heart, and blood, by moving oxygen and nutrients around the body.  

4 Recumbent bikes:  ​​In recumbent bikes, you sit comfortably and reduce your back strain while moving your calves, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles. 

5 Stairmaster: This equipment is an imitation of stairs. The  Steppers will focus on lower body muscles, such as the hamstrings and quadriceps.

6 Treadmills:  Benefits of treadmills include reducing chronic and heart disease, improving mood and brain function, and improving sleep.

Planet fitness in a nutshell

Workout machines in planet fitness is known for it’s highly economical annual/monthly gym rates, the membership at PF starts from 10$ per month. Apart from that, the lunk alarm Alert is actually an integral part of Planet Fitness’s gym. Members confronted in snarling, judgmental behaviors and nasty behaviors defined by the company on facility posters, are publicly mortified when  the facility manager sounds an alarm.There have been many cases when PF has revoked the membership of it’s members for violating, PF’s so called  “Gymtidation” principles. 

Also, maximum gym chains are known to publicize their own supplements brand for personal benefit, in this domain too, planet fitness is known for it’s individuality. Unlike any other gym chain planet fitness promotes, the junk food that is entirely opposite for attaining your fitness goals.Every month, members receive pizza on the first Monday night, bagels on the second Tuesday morning, and Tootsie Roll is distributed daily and the reasoning they give for this is, that this will motivate people to visit gym on daily basis.

Even though after witnessing a huge economical loss after the pandemic, the graph of Planet fitness has again reached it’s pre-pandemic peak.The company has developed over 100 pages of COVID 19 operational playbook to address areas such as improved standardization policies, procedures, reduced contact  between team members etc.The company will provide personal protective equipment to all employees, increasing the number of cleaning stations in each club, and allowing members to use cardio equipment while adhering to physical distance guidelines.


Even though being enveloped by a number of controversies and it’s own rules about “gymtidation”, PF is amongst the largest workout machines in planet fitness franchise in America and is extending in a very robust way.

Workout Machines In Planet Fitness

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