Dominion Power Outage- Find More About It


Dominion Power Corporation is an American power and energy reserve corporation whose head office is located at 600 East Canal Richmond, Virginia in the United States, that provides electricity in parts of North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina. Let us know more detail about ‘Dominion Power Outage’.

Dominion Power Outage

Dominion Power Outage

Dominion Power corporation allocates natural gas to parts of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, South Carolina, Georgia, and Utah. This corporation has organization powers in Illinois, Indiana, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The corporation was formerly named Virginia Railway and Power Company from 1909 to 1925, from 1925 to 1983 it was called Virginia Electric and Power Company and was later named Dominion Resources from 1983 to 2017.

Power Outages are vital in locations where the environment and public safety are at risk. Organizations like sewage treatment plants, mines, and hospitals usually have alternative power reserve sources like standby generators, which will automatically start if the power capacity disappoints. Other important systems, like telecommunication, are expected to have emergency power reserve sources. The battery office for exchanging mobile phones does have collections of lead-acid batteries for backups and a socket for connecting a generator during extended periods of power failure.

The main cause of Dominion Power Outage is the weather. Weather is one of the crucial factors that cause power shortages. Winds, lightning, frosting snow, ice on the cables, and snow are all convicts. Tree branches reaching power wires and wildlife can be the causes of power outages.

On this page, you will be enlightened about Dominion Power Outage, causes of a power outage, and how to prevent power outages. 

Causes of Dominion Power Outage

1. Weather

The most popular reason for power shortages is bad weather. But there is more than one reason for the power outage, you can have many reasons for power failure and weather is one of the common reasons.

2. Equipment Failure

All types of devices, the types of equipment that generate power to users can be faulty, crack or expire out of age and exposure to the types of equipment. Transformers can fail, Insulators can deteriorate and crash, Insulation on wires can break, and wires can break.

3. High Engine Demand

When you are asking more than what the engine supplies.

4. Motor Vehicle Accidents Near Power Lines

Accidents can be a cause of power inadequacies on a local level. A car or trailer can fall out of control and crash a power pole and bring down power cables and equipment.

5. Fallen Trees

Winds and the load from heavy snow or ice can cause trees to snap and bring down utility poles and wires. An unexpected power outage can arise when an old or diseased tree fell over without notification.

6. Power Line Damage During Construction

The electric pole may be damaged and this can lead to power outages.

7. Destructure by the Public 

Some users may recklessly handle it.

Ways To Prevent Power Outages

  • Proper electric wire fixing overloading on the electric boards
  • Always get an alternative power reserve source Proper use of electric power
  • Report unusual notifications.

How To Contact Dominion Power Company?

Dominion power supply company is very fast in attending to customers. To place a call to Dominion power company you just need to call its customer service number at 888-667-3000, you will need to wait for an average time of 9 minutes before you will be attended to.

Dominion power supply company’s working time is 8 am – 5 pm from Monday to Friday, the best time to call customer service is from 8:15 am till 5 pm. After your call has already been attended to, just go straight to the reason you are calling.

To get to a live person very fast, after you have dialed the number, press 4, then 1, then 3, and then 1. Your call will be transferred to a live person very fast.


As seen on the above page, the Dominion Power Outage, about Dominion Power corporation, the causes of a power outage, and how to prevent power outage.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
  • How many years old is Dominion Power Corporation

Dominion Power Corporation was fully established in 1983. As of 2022, Dominion Power Corporation is about 39 years old.

  • How Many Customers Does Dominion Power Corporation Have in Virginia ?

In Virginia, Dominion Power Corporation has approximately 2.6 million customers.

  • Is Dominion Power Corporation a Private or Public Company?

The Corporation is a public corporation.

Dominion Power Outage- Find More About It

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