Why Does My Cellular Data Keep Turning Off?

Even though our cellphones are only small, portable computers, they have grown so useful that we hardly know how to live without them anymore. The enjoyment of a smartphone is mainly dependent on an internet connection. Our lives are now largely centered around a good internet connection, and many of us are required to work online always. The use of the Internet is now necessary for many careers or jobs. So, the constant loss of data connection may therefore be embarrassing and annoying. Let us know Why Does My Cellular Data Keep Turning Off?

Why Does My Cellular Data Keep Turning Off?

Cellular data can continually disconnect or turn off If the data connection is weak or the phone is in power-saving mode. Access to the internet can also be restricted because you have exceeded your plan’s limit. To resolve this issue, turn airplane mode on/off, then restart your device, and check your power-saving settings after removing and replacing your SIM card in the tray. Finally, reset your network setting if none of the solutions stated earlier work. These are the steps you can take right now without consulting an expert, let’s get started!

Reasons Behind The Problem

Before jumping into how you fix the data connection problem, let’s consider the reasons behind the problem

  1. Weak data connection/signal 
  2. You may not enough data on your SIM Card 
  3. Your phone’s settings could be having an issue.
  4. Your operating system may be outdated, Examine your operating system for upgrades.
  5. Poor Location
  6. Bugs
  7. Phone Battery: Cellular data can keep turning off If the phone is in power-saving mode

Possible Solutions To The Problem


Your network operator connects your phone to the mobile Internet using APNs (Access Point Names). It configures your phone with all the necessary options, including Internet Protocol addresses (IP address) and gateways, to establish a connection. It can be modified by setting up a new APN profile in the phone’s settings using information from the network provider. Follow these steps to reset/change your APN;

  1. On the phone and open “setting”, from there click on “Mobile Network”/”Network & Internet” depending on the phone you are using
  2. Then Navigate to the bottom and click Access Point Names > Reset to default.

Note that this is not the general or universal way of resetting APN, you may want to check your phone/user manual

Restart Your Phone

This is a simple step, but it is effective in deciphering the problem. Your cellular data may be fixed if you just restart your phone. This is simple but it can solve several phone problems. Restarting your phone is one of the simplest troubleshooting steps that even customer service and tech specialists will recommend to you. Just long-press the power button and select “Restart” and wait for your device to turn itself on. That should solve the problem.

Airplane Mode

Another possible simple solution is to on/off the airplane mode. Firstly, check if the airplane mode is on or off. You can do this by pulling down the notification bar of the phone and clicking the plane icon or open the “settings”> “More connection” then tap the “airplane mode” to turn it off or on. This guide depends on the version of your Android device.

Disable the battery-saving mode.

Most modern smartphones have battery-saving features that keep your battery from being quickly depleted. It prevents some phone software and applications from operating. Therefore, if your battery is low, your mobile data may be immediately turned off. This is because mobile data uses more battery. You can turn off battery-saving mode or get your phone charged. 

Data Limit 

The problem could arise If you have used more data than enabled. To help you save money, some smartphones place restrictions on your mobile data usage to prevent high data consumption

Reset Your Device Network Settings  

Yes, another solution to the Internet connection problem is to totally reset your device network setting. The error could be from the wrong Internet settings. To reset your phone’s internet connection, open the setting app, scroll down to the bottom and select System > Reset options > Reset WIfi, mobile and Bluetooth, on the new window select the SIM/Internet service provider you want to reset if you’ve multiple SIMs in your device, then click “Reset Settings”.

Factory Reset

Perform a factory data reset if all other attempts to restore mobile data fail. Your device will be completely wiped out and reset to its default settings. This implies that your phone will be left exactly as it was when you initially turned it on. 

What Else Can I Do If The Issue Persists?

If the recommendations doesn’t work, you should probably have a specialist examine the device directly. A hardware issue may be the cause problem. 

What Can If My Data Is On But Not Working? 

It is another frustrating situation when data is on but isn’t working. Below are what you can do quickly to resolve the problem.

  1. Restart your phone
  2. Ensure you are not on airplane mode
  3. Make sure you’re connected to the right mobile network.
  4. Remove and re-insert your SIM Card
  5. Ensure you haven’t exceeded your data 
  6. Restore to factory settings 


I hope the information and solutions above will help you fix the problems.  You can also consult your phone’s user guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my data keep turning off?

Cellular data can continually disconnect or turn off If the data connection is weak or the phone is in power-saving mode. Access to the internet can also be restricted because you have exceeded your plan’s limit. 

What Can Do To Resolve Cellular data keep turning off?

To resolve this issue, turn airplane mode on/off, then restart your device, and check your power-saving settings after removing and replacing your SIM card in the tray. Finally, reset your network setting if none of the solutions stated earlier work

Why Does My Cellular Data Keep Turning Off?

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