Does Sam’s Club Allow Dogs? – Know More

How often did you have to cancel your plans because your dog can’t come along with you? Even if your dog is well-trained and behaved there are some places that have strict rules against the entry of dogs. Let us see does Sam’s club allow dogs or not in this article.

Does Sam’s Club Allow Dogs?

If you are a member of Sam’s club or thinking of joining the club, you might have wondered if you are allowed to take dogs inside the club. Well, sadly the answer is no. Sam’s club does not allow any kinds of pets inside the club. They only make an exception for service dogs. 

Read on further to get detailed information on Sam’s club policy. 

What is Sam’s Club? 

If you are not a member and thinking of joining you need to know what Sam’s club is all about. It is an only- members retail store all across America. 

The club is a subsidiary of Walmart. It allows you to shop for groceries, electronics, clothes, accessories, and more. 

Are dogs allowed in Sam’s Club? 

Sam’s Club does not allow dogs or any other kinds of pets inside the store. However, if your pet is a certified service animal then you can take it along with you.

The policy states that the club welcomes any animal who is trained and certified by a professional, to assist people who have disabilities. 

What are the guidelines that are mentioned in the policy? 

Sam’s Club has a strict policy regarding the entry of pets inside the store. If you wish to take your pet inside it is important to go through these guidelines carefully:

  1. They will only let an animal in if it is a certified service animal. 
  2. People who have hearing disabilities and have a service dog are qualified to get the animal with them. 
  3. If the animal is certified then you don’t need to put them in a harness. 
  4. There is no restriction on size, breed, and type if you have proper documentation of the pet. 
  5. People with any kind of visual impairment can take the help of their service animal to pick things up or locate them.
  6. Any person who has difficulty in bending or has limited use of hands is allowed to bring in their service dogs for assistance. 
  7. Also, people suffering from mental health conditions like anxiety, panic attacks, etc can get their dogs with them. 

Are Emotional Support Animals Allowed in Sam’s Club? 

No, as according to the policy only service dogs are allowed. Even though the work of service dogs and emotional support dogs is quite similar, there is a slight difference. 

Service dogs go through months of training before they are certified to help people provide support and assistance. Whereas Emotional Support animals do not require any training they just need to be verified by a licensed medical professional. 

Do I need to bring all the documents each time I visit the store? 

Surprisingly, Sam’s Club does not ask for any documentation when you visit. As per the regulations by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the staff is not allowed to ask you to prove if your dog or animal is a service animal or not. 

The only thing that they can ask is what work the animal does for you and how the animal helps you!

What to do If I want to shop and have my dog along with me? 

If your dog is not a service animal and you need to shop from Sam’s Club you can add the items you want to your cart using the Sam’s Club App. 

Once all your items are packed by the store you will get a notification to come and collect your order. Additionally, you can also order items online using InstaCart. 


Sam’s club does not allow dogs for safety as well as health issues. There might be a chance that your dog disturbs the peace of the store or causes any harm. Therefore, they have made it a policy to only allow service dogs. 

If you don’t wish to leave your furry friend you can order items online or use Sam’s Club’s app. Hopefully, this guide has helped you clear your concerns! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Can I bring my service dog without a harness?

Ans: Yes, as long as your dog is a service animal you can get it with or without a harness as per your convenience. 

Q2. Does the breed and size of my dog matter? 

Ans: No, as per the regulations of ADA any dog or animal can be a service animal irrespective of the size and breed. Therefore, the size and breed do not matter. 

Q3. What are some other stores that have a similar policy? 

Ans: Stores like Costco, Walmart, and Trader’s Joe have a similar policy. 

Does Sam’s Club Allow Dogs? – Know More

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