Thuja green giant is a hybrid between the American native red cedar (Thuja plicata) and its Asian native called Thuja standishii.
Thuja green plants, which are also called Green Giant Arborvitae are evergreen coniferous trees. They come from the Cupressaceae(cypress) family genus. There are five species of coniferous Thuja around the world. Two species are native to North America; Three species are native to Eastern Asia. Although the giant size arborvitae variants exist, the most famous and fast-growing one is the ‘Green Giant’.
Carl Linnaeus was an 18th-century botanist from Sweden who named the plant Thuja-Arbor Vitae – In Latin, it meant ‘The Tree of Life. The plant structure is conical in shape with flattened needles like leaves when spread around in little branches. The whole tree has a bush appearance.
It grows pyramidal and grows up to 40 to 60 feet tall. Thuja Giant trees do not flower, but they do produce pine cones. The green giant arborvitae shrubs won’t be suitable for small garden sites. They are excellent for fences and parks, estates. They are excellent ornamental trees used in parks, trees, and estates, as an alternative decoration for fences. Thuja species are food to many animal and insect species such as autumnal moth, deer, juniper pug. This species of plants are mostly found in locations such as Korea, Canada, United States, Alaska, Japan, China.
West Native American Indigenous used to make tea from the twigs and leaves of the tree because of its evergreen nature and it was found to be a great source of Vitamin C. There are spines at the end of the trees which protect them from animals such as deer. For Horses thuja green trees are poisonous, even a small bit of proximity to the trees can cause irritation or itching for the animal.
How to grow thuja trees?
The thuja trees need very little maintenance. It does require a little bit of seasonal care. The most common fertilizer used for evergreen trees is Milch. Apply Milch over soya bean meal. In the root part of the tree, a cottonseed meal would also be best for the trees. Organic garden compost is also another choice of fertilizer for Thuja trees. The requirement for all these fertilizers is that it provides sufficient nitrogen for the trees. Although the mentioned fertilizers provide nutrients for the Thuja giant tree or any evergreen trees, they require a very moderate amount of it.
The Spring season is the best time to plant the Thuja Giant. During the season gives the plant time to establish its root system before the arrival of the winter season. The growth rate of giant Thuja is fast. The height of the plant increases to 24 inches per year if provided appropriate sun, partial shade, and proper water. The plant requires a minimum of 5-6 hours of direct sunlight every day.
It can grow up to 60 feet tall and have a width of 15-20 feet across the bottom.
What are the steps to cultivate and plant the trees for various purposes?
Thuja Green Giant can be planted as solitary, or in a group, like for fences. The spacing between the trees should be minimum of ten feet apart. The plant should be placed at least 8 feet away from the structure where they have been planned. The soil should be acidic and the fertilizer should be rich in Nitrogen with a ratio of 10-8-6. The saplings should be placed in a six-inch pot with sand filled and pour water to lock the moisture in, the plant can be propagated through the branch. Place the branch in the pot and poke a hole in the pot for the water to be drained out.
The sand acts as a sieve and filters out excess water. When the branch is cut out from the sampling, the cut should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. After placing the branch, press the sand around it so the new sampling stands steady in the new soil. The roots will grow within six weeks of planting the sapling. It can be uprooted and placed in the field where it can grow into a tree. The hole that is dug should be twice the diameter of the roots formed and the depth of the hole should be deep. During this time the plant requires an ample amount of shade and absolute care. While uprooting the plant, if the root formation is spread out, it can be lightly pruned. The full-grown tree doesn’t require pruning. Light pruning can be done for aesthetics.
The spacing of the group of trees planted next to each other should be at a minimum of 7 feet apart. It can be in rows, with at least 15 feet apart distance between each sapling. This spacing is to maintain uniformity, thickness and to attain the required height.
What are the concerns when planting Thuja Green Giant?
Bagworms are a concern for any evergreen trees. They attach themselves to the leaves and branches to eat plant foliage and make needle-like cocoons. Usually, the male eggs hatch and caterpillars eat the needles or the tip of the leaves. If the infestation is too unbearable, the best solution would be to spray the leaves with Bacillus Thuringiensis, a natural pesticide, a bacterium that eats the caterpillars which eat the leaves. It is always ideal to spray it on the leaves and other affected parts in a moderate amount.
Yellow leaves usually occur when there is nutrient deficiency. Cypress tip miners are the larvae of white moths which turn the tip of the Thuja leaves yellow. It is better to remove the infected branches by cutting them off from the trees. Bacillus Thuringiensis is the best solution for Cypress tip miners.
It is always best to observe the environment the trees grow. Thuja trees are best grown in well-drained soil. If there is excess water in the root system, it could lead to a fungal; disease called Phytophthora root rot.
The abnormalities such as brown leaves, yellow leaves occur. Brown leaves are an issue for Thuja trees when there is no proper hydration. The trees should be well-maintained during the drought. Although the trees will survive a certain level of heat and humidity, the trees do require an ample amount of water in hotter seasons. Didymascella thujina is also a lethal fungus that affects evergreen coniferous trees.