We all know that it can be a hassle to return an item without a receipt, but now you’ll be able to breeze through the returns process. Our article will walk you through what type of refund you get for items without receipts at Walmart, as well as how to request one. Read more Walmart Return Policy Without Receipt.
To return items without a receipt at Walmart, you’ll need your expired credit card and ID. This will ensure that the transaction is linked with your account and it will show up as a balance on your next statement. However, if these are not available, you can use any form of payment other than cards – cash or debit cards, say.
Walmart Return Policy
Just bring in your receipt or just bring in your item and an associate will scan it.
Items must be received by Walmart with their original packaging intact for you to receive a full refund.
Items returned in any condition other than their original packaging will be subject to a restocking fee to cover the cost of inspecting, cleaning, and reselling the item. If the manufacturer’s warranty is still active, it will be honored by Walmart. But if the manufacturer’s warranty has expired, Walmart will offer a 2-year warranty on any item.
If you mistakenly return an item to Walmart, the store gives you a full refund or exchanges it for another item of equal or lesser value.
But depending on how it was packaged, Walmart may have to charge you up to $10 for repackaging it. Even if you don’t have your receipt, just bring in an item with your packing slip and your packing slip will act as your receipt.
How Do I Return An Item Without a Receipt At Walmart?
The following are the steps
Step 1:
Head over to the returns desk at your local Walmart, and let the staff know that you want to return an item without a receipt. You can do this by either approaching an employee or approaching the “Returns without Receipt” self-checkout kiosk, if available. If you’re using one of these two methods, you should be prepared to show proof of purchase. You can do this by showing your receipt or by showing your balance on your Walmart.com account. If you don’t have either of these, you can also use any form of payment other than cards, say if you’re using a check or cash.
Step 2:
The “Returns without Receipt” kiosk will ask the customer for basic personal information like their name, address, phone number, and email address.
Step 3:
You’ll then be asked to create an account at Walmart.com. If you already have an account, you’ll need to use that. Just log in and click on the “Return Items” tab.
Step 4:
With a valid account, head over to the “My Account” tab and then select “Returns.” You can then either scan or manually enter your receipt number.
Step 5:
Enter the item information and quantity. Next, enter the reason for return and settle on a refund preference – cash or store credit.
When do you Get a Refund at Walmart Without a Receipt?
If you do not have a receipt for an item, you will still be entitled to receive a refund from the cashier at the register to whom you paid for the item.
If that cashier does not offer a partial refund or no refund, then it is likely that there was never a valid receipt. Also, if the item is still available at the store but is no longer available on Walmart’s website, then it was likely purchased with a fake receipt.
The person can get a refund at Walmart even without a receipt. But as soon as you realize you do not have a receipt for an item purchased at Walmart recently (and before the item is purchased by someone else), you should be able to request your refund.
For doing this, you should go to the cashier who paid for your item. You can then say that you do not have any receipt or that you would like to request a refund for the item. The cashier should then give the full refund, even if it means giving you less than what was originally paid for.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I return an item to Walmart without a receipt?
Yes, you can return some items to Walmart without a receipt within 90 days.
- Can I return all items to Walmart without a receipt?
No, you cannot return all items to Walmart without a receipt.
- What are the various items that cannot be returned to Walmart?
The various items that cannot be returned to Walmart are electronics, DVDs, CDs, food in the Walmart grocery department, plants in the garden center, and special order items. All other returns are eligible for a refund of the purchase price within 90 days of the original purchase date.