Carpet Extractor vs Carpet Cleaner-Know More

A carpet extractor is a machine that utilizes vacuum power to remove ground-in dirt from carpets. A carpet cleaner, on the other hand, uses water heated to over 140 degrees Fahrenheit to remove dirt from the surface of a carpet. Perhaps you’re wondering which is better: an extractor or a cleaner? In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of machines, what they are used for, and who should use them. See more about Carpet Extractor vs Carpet Cleaner.

Carpet Extractor vs Carpet Cleaner

Carpet Cleaner vs Carpet Extractor: Use

Carpet cleaners are traditionally used by hotels and commercial establishments with high-traffic carpets that need frequent cleaning because carpets can accumulate quite a bit of soil over time. Extractors are often used in homes with carpeted floors, but they can also be found in other places such as offices, especially if this is a business that needs to attract customers.

Carpet Cleaner vs Carpet Extractor: For Who?

Homeowners may use either a carpet cleaner or an extractor. However, the homeowner who wants maximum cleaning power should opt for an extractor. This type of machine can clean carpets two or three times faster than a carpet cleaner and also pick up pet hair and food soil that a carpet cleaner cannot.

Carpet Extractor: Pros and Cons


1. The extractor’s higher suction allows cleaning carpets that are less than 1/2-inch thick

2. The extractor leaves little to no residue behind on the carpet, whereas a cleaner leaves behind a type of “white dust” that can be seen when looking at the surface of the carpet (this is especially true with bagless models)

3. The extractor’s ability to remove all soil and debris from the carpet is helpful in situations where multiple people in the home will be using the carpet (such as multiple cats or children who put things down on carpets)

4. The extractor operates with less noise than a carpet cleaner


1. The extractor costs more than a carpet cleaner (usually somewhere around $100-$300)

2. The extractor is not as effective in deeper carpets that are 1/2-inch to 3/4-inch thick

3. The extractor can damage the carpet and its fibers if used improperly (the vacuum often needs to be turned off when extracting, which can cause some type of damage)

4. Removing stains with an extractor is difficult

Carpet Cleaner: Pros and Cons


1. The carpet cleaner’s ability to remove soil and debris from carpets can clean carpets more effectively than an extractor

2. The carpet cleaner’s similar power to a typical vacuum is beneficial in areas where a vacuum cannot be used due to space constraints (for example, in a home with a low-pile carpet that the vacuum would not be effective on)

3. The carpet cleaner’s ability to work with all types of carpets makes it most effective for cleaning homes nationwide (at least those that have carpets)


1. The carpet cleaner’s limited suction power makes it only sufficient for cleaning carpets that are 1/2-inch to 1-inch thick

2. The carpet cleaner leaves residue behind on the carpet, which can be visible when looking at the surface of the carpet (the residue is not as visible as with a traditional carpet cleaner)

3. The carpets may be damp for several hours after using a carpet cleaner, which can cause backtracking and needlessly draws out the job

Carpet Extractor: How to Use It?

The extractor must be used differently than a traditional vacuum. Using the extractor correctly, it will remove all of the soil and debris from the carpet fibers. The first step is to make sure that there is a clear path for the suction hose. Remove anything that is on the carpets that may hamper this process (for example, furniture, rugs, toys).

The second step is to place the suction hose in an area where there are high concentrations of soil. This can be done by placing a white paper towel on the carpet and seeing where it stays for the longest. You can also observe whether or not this area has any visible residue. Run your hand across this spot to determine if it feels gritty or if your hand sticks to it. The areas that have soil and residue are the best places to start extracting.

The third step is to remove any furniture or objects that may interfere with the suction hose. Make sure that the extractor is placed in an area where it will not tip over because a vacuum tends to pull towards a wall when the power is turned on. Once these steps have been completed, you can begin extracting.

The fourth step is to turn the extractor on and place it alongside one of the areas with high concentrations of soil. Once this has been done, take your hand and spread out any tangles in the carpet fibers so that all dirt will get sucked up by the machine.

Carpet Cleaner: How to use?

To start cleaning, all of the furniture needs to be moved out of the room. Next, you need to wet down each area of the carpet with clean water and allow it to rest for several minutes.

After that, you need to scrub at each spot using a brush or spray this area with a cleaning solution (which can be purchased at your local store) and let it sit for several minutes more. Next, you need to vacuum the carpet using a regular vacuum (not the one that is intended for carpets). This can be done by inserting the hose into the carpet and then turning the head slowly in a large circle. Once this has been completed, you need to remove any items that are still on the carpet (including furniture) and let it sit for a couple of hours.

After this time, take your fingers and run them through each area of the contaminated carpet. If it looks clean to you, it’s ready for washing or drying. If not, leave it to sit for another 24 hours so that all of the dirt has been removed from your carpets.

If the carpets have been damaged during this process, consult with a professional.


Carpet Cleaners, Extractors, Carpet Steam Cleaner, and carpet dry cleaners are some of the latest innovative and efficient carpet cleaning methods. These will help you get rid of pet hairs, large stains, dirt, and food particles from your carpets without any problem.

If you don’t want to spend money on a professional carpet cleaner then this is the best way to maintain your carpets in good condition. So enjoy these cleaning methods as they will make your carpet clean.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How much room do I need to clean my carpet?

A: For proper cleaning, you will need a large space (where it doesn’t feel crowded and where there is enough room to insert the vacuum hose). For example, if you have one carpet in your living room, you should also have one in each of your bedrooms and at least one more for your hallway. Using the same method for all of the carpeting in your home can make it easier for everyone in the house to know what needs to be done and where. This will also prevent confusion about who does what.

Q: How do I know when the carpet is clean?

A: By the time you’ve finished cleaning your carpet, there should not be any soil on it. You can also make a test by spreading flour (or any other coloring agent) across the spot of your carpet that you want to clean.

Q: What should I use on my carpets?

A: It depends on what types of stains you have and what types of stains are in them; for example, protein-based stains like dog and cat urine are usually cleaned using a shampoo or some form of enzyme-based cleaner. It is best to find out before purchasing a carpet cleaner, as some cleaners cannot be used for certain types of stains.

Carpet Extractor vs Carpet Cleaner-Know More

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