Does E-Z Pass Work In All States?

Here is an article for you to answer “Does E-Z Pass Work In All States?”


Passing through a toll point is always one of the worst parts of a journey. Create a lot of disturbance and irritation in traveling. E-Z Pass is something that makes this process easier. It is a tolling system that works on electronic functions. The process of using an E-Z Pass is as the name suggests, easy.

Does E-Z Pass Work In All States?

The only drawback of the E-Z Pass is that it works in a few selected areas. What are those selected areas? Does it work in all states? What are the states that E-Z Pass is allowed in? Tune everything about E-Z Pass, make sure to go through the entire article.

Does E-Z Pass Work In All States?

No, E-Z Pass does not work in all states of America. E-Z pass. E-Z Pass is primarily used along the east coast of the United States, except in Florida and Georgia. E-Z Pass roadways can also be found in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. The expense of a toll system and what the adjacent state uses are two aspects that must always be considered when choosing a toll system. 

In what states does E-Z Pass work? 

There are a total number of 17 different states that allow E-Z Pass. In the following states, you can use the easy pass for the tolling process at bridges, roads, and tunnels. The states that let E-Z Pass work are mentioned below:- 

  • Maine
  • Ohio
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Indiana
  • West Virginia
  • Delaware
  • Pennsylvania
  • Kentucky
  • Virginia
  • Ontario
  • North Carolina
  • New Hemisphere
  • Illinois
  • New York
  • Rhode island
  • Massachusetts

These are the states that allow the electronic toll system of E-Z Pass to work. Other than these states in the United States do not allow E-Z Pass to work. This means that you have to use any other system for calling while crossing the other than mentioned states. 

Why is it not allowed in all the states of the US? 

We all are aware of the fact that there are two sides to a coin. Things that have advantages, come along with some drawbacks. The only drawback of the E-Z Pass is that it is not allowed in all the states of the US. The reason behind this can be the following:- 

  • It is very expensive and not everybody can afford it. 
  • It does not apply to all of the cars.
  • You will have to buy different passes for different states. 
  • The process requires a lot of documentation. 

Are there any eligibility criteria to get this pass? 

Yes, there are some things that you need to make sure of before applying to get an E-Z pass. These things are called the eligibility criteria are mentioned below:- 

  • You should be at least 16 years old. 
  • You must have a driving license.
  • You must be a US citizen. 
  • You need to have a photo ID such as a passport, visa, or any other official document with your recent photograph. 

Is it possible to use the same E-Z Pass in each state? 

No, you cannot use the same E-Z Pass for each state to visit. You will have to buy different E-Z Passes for each state. E-Z Pass is not allowed to operate in some states. But some states do allow E-Z Pass to work as well. You will have to buy an E-Z Pass only for the state that you want to visit. For example, the E-Z Pass of New York will not work in New Jersey, so in that case, you will have to buy two different passes for both New York and New Jersey individually. 


In conclusion, No E-Z Pass does not work in all states. E-Z Pass has a lot of benefits. It saves a lot of time while driving through a tolling system on roads, bridges, and toll points on tunnels. You can get an E-Z Pass by filling out the form available on the website of E-Z Pass. E-Z Pass is also available in a few local stores at a cheap price. The shops near toll points may also sell E-Z passes, you just need to have a photo ID and a valid driver’s license. 


  1. Which state has the best E-Z Pass? 

Delaware and New Hemisphere are the best states with the best E-Z Pass. 

  1. What states does E-Z Pass do not work in?

There are a total of 33 states that do not allow E-Z Pass to work on toll wanting bridges, roads, and tunnels. The states that do not allow E-Z Pass to work as a tolling system are all the states of the USA other than the selected 17 states that allow it. 

  1. What is the cost of an E-Z Pass? 

The cost of an EZ Pass differs according to the state. You can get it for under $20. 

  1. Do I-Pass work in all states? 

No, I-Pass does not work in all states.

Does E-Z Pass Work In All States?

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