For a brand to be identified as being cruelty-free, it means that it has in no way used any form of an animal-based ingredient in the process of production or tested its products on animals. With the emergence of the animal cruelty trend and the launching of various campaigns by activists against this act, many organizations, especially organizations that use animals in their production activities, have come to find a way to avoid being entangled in the whole event. In here, we know about ‘Is Vanicream Cruelty-free?’
No, Vanicream has not been confirmed to be a cruelty-free brand. Vanicream has failed to pass the animal testing policy by not being transparent about its production activities. Although the brand has declared that it does not use animal-based ingredients for production, its suppliers have not.
Vanicream is a brand under the Pharmaceutical Specialties Inc. little wonder it is impossible to decide if the brand is cruelty-free or not. There is no way it is stated that Vanicream engages in using animal-based ingredients or test products in animals. However, the brand uses a third-party lab to test its products. The use of a third party for testing has created doubt in the mind of people as to why the brand is not being transparent with its animal testing policy.
Vanicream Animal Testing policy
Content of the brand’s testing policy include;
- The brand has not tested products on animals and will not test on animals.
- Vanicream does not use animal-based ingredients in the production
- All products are tested to ensure no animal-based ingredients are included.
- The brand does not operate in China or any country that disregards the cruelty-free policy.
- Vanicream discourages third-party animal testing on their products.
Vanicream has included its support for cruelty-free campaigns in its policy. Still, as of 2021, the brand is yet to be recognized or certified by any organization to be 100% cruelty-free.
Why do people believe Vanicream is not cruelty-free?
Here are some of the reasons many are led to believe that Vanicream is not a cruelty-free brand;
- Its Ownership
Vanicream is owned by Pharmaceutical Specialities, Inc., a parent brand that has not been proven to be cruelty-free. Vanicream’s affiliation with a parent brand that is not cruelty-free makes it impossible for people to trust the brand as some of its manufacturing operations might be influenced by the decisions of its parent brand.
- Non-transparent with operations
Although Vanicream claims to be cruelty-free in their production, they do not test products on animals and use animal-based ingredients for production. Therefore, they have not ascertained if all their suppliers are cruelty-free. In addition, the brand animal testing policy states that the brand discourages any third-party animal testing on finished products. However, this statement did not go well with people as they believe that the statement confirms the brand’s engagement with suppliers that test products on animals.
- Products
Vanicream products are not 100% cruelty-free. Some of their products contain animal-based ingredients.
How to know if a Cosmetic Brand is a cruelty-free?
You can use some simple procedures to determine if a cosmetic brand is cruelty-free. They include;
- Confirming from the brand
You can check the brand’s website or contact customer support for inquiries as to when their products are cruelty-free or not. Frequently brands tend to be diplomatic in their approach, so the best way to confirm from the brand is to check out reviews on the page, go through the FAQs to see the kind of questions they keep getting from customers. If you happen to see more negative comments about the cruelty status of the brand, then be sure to understand that it is not 100% cruelty-free.
- Inquire at the store.
The truth, however, is that not all cosmetic brands that are cruelty-free have the license issued in their products. The cost of getting a license in the product and printing new label designs to fit in the logo license often discourages brands from putting the license in their products. So the easiest way to identify if a brand is cruelty-free is by asking at the store. You can walk up to the store assistant and inquire about the product before attempting to purchase it.
- Certification
A cruelty-free brand will be certified by PETA and Leaping Bunny. You can spot if your favorite cosmetic brand is certified by looking out for the ‘bunny’ logo on its label. Under the logo, you will see a short text that states that the product is not tested on animals, or it will simply read “cruelty-free.”
- Checking the ingredients
You can also confirm if the product is cruelty-free by reading the ingredients on the product label or packaging when you see ingredients such as beeswax, honey, etc. You definitely should understand that animal-based ingredients have been used.
However, being a cruelty-free brand does not mean that the products are 100% safe to use. It simply means that your brand agrees with the policy not to use animal-based ingredients in their products and not test products on animals. If you are a vegan, you should probably buy cosmetic products from brands that use plant-based ingredients.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does Vanicream test products on animals?
Vanicream does not test products on animals. However, they have supplies engaged in third-party testing, including testing products on animals.
2. Are Vanicream products 100% vegan?
The brand is not cruelty-free, which means that some of its products are not 100% vegan.