Does Capital One Exchange Foreign Currency?- Read More About It

Nowadays, Foreign exchange is very crucial as individuals currently travel a lot, work abroad, invest and much more. Foreign exchange is defined as the trading of international and national currencies (Academy, 2012). It also helps nations determine their economic health. Capital One is an American bank holding company that has over 40 million accounts (CapitalOne, 2001). In this article, we will see about ‘Does Capital One Exchange Foreign Currency?’.

Does Capital One Exchange Foreign Currency?

Capital One provides exchanging foreign currency service for all accounts, whether credit, debit, and others. This service is very important for both Capital One and the customers. For the users that do not have an account with Capital One, however, use their ATM for exchanging currency, a fee will be charged (CapitalOne, 2001). Capital One decided to take on exchange contracts in order to decrease the bank’s sensitivity towards the foreign currency and to meet the customer’s needs since exchanging foreign currency is a necessity.

Capital One also provides currency exchange when customers are abroad and create any online transactions without any extra fees included. However, there might be a 1% fee charged of the purchase amount. Moreover, customers state that Capital One confirmed that they do not charge any currency exchange fee (Tripadvisor, 2022).

Moreover, you will likely get the most benefit by applying for Capital One’s 360 Checking account which is a saving account that usually earns more than the average interest on the balance available in the account. Therefore, you earn more with every dollar you save. For those with a 360 account, there are 0 fees when the debit card is used abroad. For those without the 360 account, there might be a $2 fee, along with a 3% of the total amount to be paid or when the customer withdraws from an international ATM.

Steps to Create a 360 Checking/Saving Account with Capital One

  1. Visit Capital One’s website at .
  2. At the top of the home page, choose “Checking & Savings”.
  3. At the top left corner of the page, click on “360 checking” or “360 performance savings”.
  4. Click on “Open Account”.
  5. Follow the required steps to create an account.
  6. After the account has been set up, you can use it as desired.

How Does Capital One Verify your Identity for online foreign exchange?

In today’s digitalized world, it is very difficult to keep your accounts and personal information secure due to how technology evolved. However, Capital One has created a program/application that allows the user to verify oneself. Authentify is a software that allows you to select the personal information you registered in Capital One with any organization and company you want to share your information with. Along with Capital One, there are other financial institutions that also use the information through the software, Authentify. Authentify allows you to confirm your identity using your credentials saved in the bank to ensure maximum security level. When you want to verify your identity through Authentify, the software cooperates with the financial institution to collect all the information required that will maintain the appropriate security level. This is also advantageous as it will avoid the long online forms and misinterpreted verification requirements. Authentify follows a specific scheme that does not allow it to store your information or sell or share your credentials with other parties.


Capital One is a very large corporation that professions in banking and financial services to satisfy all the customer’s needs and meet their requirements. Its very important to keep the services tailored to ensure customer satisfaction. Throughout this research, several questions have been addressed regarding whether Capital One provides the service of the foreign exchange and as mentioned, Capital One issues this service because its highly demanded and it would draw more clients to the bank and increase the account openings to ensure that it holds its position in the marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How much does Capital One charge for cash withdrawals?

Answer: If a withdraw transaction took place from your credit card, you will be charged around 3% fee on the amount you withdrew (besides the interest).

  1. Can I use my Capital One debit card internationally?

Answer: Yes. The debit cards are used the same way they are used in the home country.

  1. Does Capital One charge foreign exchange?

Answer: Capital One usually does not charge any fee for utilizing your credit card for any foreign currency transaction. The foreign purchases will then be changed at the present exchange rate according to the time that the charging occurs. Capital One’s website has more information about the foreign exchange rate and the conversion fees.

  1. What is Capital One exchange rate?

Answer: Capital One usually does not charge conversion fees, other banks or issuers might charge. If you are charged, then it might be a 1% of the amount of the purchase.

Does Capital One Exchange Foreign Currency?- Read More About It

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