Century Link Vs Xfinity- Find More About It

Century Link and Xfinity are internet service providers, they are two of the largest in the country. Both offer similar services and they compete in the marketplace. Let us know more detail about ‘Century Link Vs Xfinity’.

Century Link Vs Xfinity
Woman’s hand using smart phone with technological backgrounds

Century Link Vs Xfinity

A Telecommunication company is one of the most relevant and important sectors. They help connect buyers to sellers, consumers to producers, and businesses to people. The need for them cannot be overemphasized. Out of the hundreds of internet service providers that we have, Centurylink and Xfinity remain two of the largest in the world. Both are companies trying their best to give their clients and customers the best services and comparing them can only be based on costs, reviews of customers, and what each person looks out for In the telecom world.

About Century Link

Century Link is a telecommunication company that provides networking services and security solutions to people across the globe. It was founded in 1930 in Oak Ridge, Louisiana. It is a company that provides internet services to small businesses, large industries/ enterprises, and also Residential areas. They sell Internet services in the form of bundles.

Services Provided By CenturyLink

Residential services include Fiber optic Internet, direct broadcast, and a moveable service that enables the customer to transfer and activate their Century Link services.

For small businesses, services include cloud applications, Internet, and TV services.

Enterprise/ Industries level includes 

VPN(Virtual Private Network), fiber, and Ethernet. This falls under networking services.

They also offer operating systems and infrastructure management.

Information Technology services.

About Xfinity

A telecommunication company, formerly known as Comcast and rebranded into infinity in 2010. It is a brand that markets the internet, consumer cable television, telephone, and wireless services. People often wonder if there is any difference between Comcast and Xfinity or if Infinity bought Comcast. The answer is none of the above. Comcast rebranded to Xfinity and people often use the name interchangeably.

Services Provided By Xfinity

1)It is the largest service provider of cable internet access providing services for about 40% of the marketplace in 2011.

2) They majorly offer Internet services to homes.

3) They also offer to operate a network of public Wi-Fi hotspots for their internet subscribers. This service is called Xfinity Wifi.

Century Vs Xfinity: Which Offers The Best Service

Both Xfinity and Centurylink are Internet service providers in the United States. Let us consider few aspects to differentiate:- 

1. Availability

Comcast Xfinity is available in 39 states.CenturyLink is only available in 37, but it is possible to find both in your area since it is only 2 states short.

2. Type Of Connection

Centurylink connects its consumers using Digital Subscriber Line(DSL) in some locations, it also uses fiber internet connections. This fiber internet uses a ground – laid -fiber- optic cable to pass data at a higher speed than DSL. Comcast Xfinity connects to the internet with a coastal cable hookup, but it is an asymmetrical connection which means that it has a slower upload speed.

3. Installation Cost

Xfinity offers cheaper rates for the installation, you can either request a free self-installation or pay a fee of $40 for a professional in-home installationFor CenturyLink the charge between $99 to $125 for professional installation, this depends on your region and the plan did not have the option for self-installation.

4. How About Data Caps

Xfinity placed their data caps on 1.2TB per month for all Comcast internet plan uses, using more than this will only incur charges on every extra plan, $10 per 50GB  used.

To avoid paying charges over every extra data used an additional $30 per month to up for the unlimited data plan. CenturyLink, they do not have limited data usage; you can stream, download, and use social media without paying any charges whatsoever.

5. Consumer Ratings

Xfinity earned a rating of 67% in 2021 according to the American customer satisfaction index, which went a little bit above the industry average for internet providers. CenturyLink on the other earned 62% in that same year they were below the industry average.


Now we have learnt ‘Century Link Vs Xfinity’, Both Centurylink and Xfinity have their pros and cons as a telecommunications company.If you want unlimited data access, stable prices, and no signing of the contract, you might want to consider Centurylink. If you need a higher downloading speed and a more reliable provider Xfinity will serve you better.They also offer promotional services.


  • Which is better, Xfinity or CenturyLink?

Xfinity ranks higher in customer satisfaction among internet providers according to the America Customer Satisfaction Index.

  • Can Xfinity be used anywhere?

No,you cannot use Xfinity services outside the United States but you can view folders ,videos and other file downloaded with Xfinity anywhere in the world.

  • Can other people use my Xfinity Wifi service?

Yes,all you have to do is share ypur password and ask them to select your WIFI name on their devices but they have to be previous customers of Xfinity.

Century Link Vs Xfinity- Find More About It

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