Why Are Flies So Annoying?

You must wonder why Are Flies So Annoying? Why they stick to you even if you are not a dung pile or smell weird or bad? 

Are Flies So Annoying?

This is because flies are always seeking warmth and nourishment. They stick to human flesh for the same reason they stick to dung piles, rotting bodies(flesh), and garbage. Flies are always seeking warmth and nutrients for survival. They like the sweat and oil dripping from the human body which gives them the apt environment required by them. 

Houseflies are scavengers and like the smell and sense of flesh. The scent of certain humans can also entice them and they flock toward that human.

How Are Flies Annoying?

Flies are annoying in many ways apart from the constant sticking and buzzing you might have overlooked. Some other ways in which a fly is annoying are listed below:

Flies are one of the most persistent insects and can annoy a lot. They stick to everything and everywhere. This constant sticking is very annoying to most people and is unhealthy as well. They can find their way from the smallest of the gaps and don’t leave even after much swatting and slapping.  They stick to people for the main reason of getting warmth and nutrition from them. The human body has many required nutrients by a fly present on their skin surface which may attract these flies. Human bodies are warm too and are comfortable for flies to sit on.

  1. Constant Sticking

The most prominent reason for a fly being annoying is its constant sticking to your face, hands, and legs. These flies can even enter your ears, mouth, or nose causing further problems.

In their hunt for food flies often stick to human flesh in the hopes of getting the nutrients they require from the live human flesh. 

  1. Non-stop Buzzing

Along with constant sticking, flies go on buzzing non-stop. They can enter your ears and go on buzzing causing severe annoyance and problems.

The buzzing of flies is a method of their communication. It is not only you but they hear each other buzzing as well.

  1. Contamination of Food

They land on food counters or ingredients and stick to them with the same body they have previously dived in a dung pile with. They bring all the germs and dust from outside into the sanitized food stations and make the food unfit for eating.

  1. Spreading of Diseases

They carry various pathogens with them and inject them into food or other daily items which can then spread to human beings. Houseflies are said to be one of the deadliest insects. they don’t bite directly to cause disease but are the carriers of many disease-causing pathogens. They carry most pathogens than any other insect or animal.

  1. Quick Multiplication

Flies multiply very rapidly. A female fly (housefly) lays auto 100 eggs at once and 1000 eggs in her lifetime. This is the cause of their rapid multiplication. Many flies buzz around us in search of a mate or are in the process of mating.

  1. Impossible to Control

Unlike mosquitoes, they can’t be eliminated by the simple swatting and killing of a few flies. They do not have an end to their numbers and are almost impossible to control.

Is This Annoyance Intentional?

Flies don’t annoy humans on purpose. They don’t seek out humans to stick to their faces. They in search of food and flesh stick to humans enticed by their scent and flesh. They require fats, carbohydrates, and other substances found on human skin and in oil and sweat dripping from them.

Smelling these nutrients, flies stick to humans for their survival.

How To Get Rid Of Flies?

With persistent nuisance, you must be looking for some methods to get rid of these flies or at least get them under control. Here are a few methods to eliminate or reduce the number of flies:

  • Flies easily avoid swatting because of their slow-motion vision. To eliminate them, the root cause of their attraction needs to be eliminated. Keep all the food covered and sealed (Flies love sticky and sweet food!).
  • Cleaning of food stations, and kitchens daily is a must. Garbage and food remain should be disposed of regularly.
  • Sinks and drains should be kept covered and dirty water should not remain collected in any place. Block the possible entrances like windows and drain holes.
  • Don’t use white light in a fly-prone area. Use yellow or blue light instead.
  • You can use fly traps too. Carnivore plants also act like fly traps. (Eg, Venus flytrap!)
  • Regular spraying of chemicals to keep away flies should be done. It keeps the number of flies in check even if it cannot completely eliminate them.
  • You can also contact a professional pest controller to get rid of the flies if they are excessively out of hand.


Flies are certainly annoying but not on purpose. You cannot get rid of them completely from your life. Swat them away and they will come back. So, instead of getting annoyed by them, you can try to not mind them being near you like they don’t mind you being near them.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are flies a health hazard?

Flies are the carriers of various pathogens and many of them can be deadly. You should try to avoid getting flies near your food items or other contaminable items.

  1. Can flies be killed?

 Flies are challenging to kill, They can be swatted away only for them to come back.

  1. How long does a fly live?

Different flies have a different lifespans. Mayfly lives for 1 day while a housefly lives for 1 whole month or even longer depending on the temperatures outside. Fruitflies live for 8-15 days, that is, up to 2 weeks.

Why Are Flies So Annoying?

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