Over 11,300 Walmart shops can be found in 27 different countries, making it one of the largest retail chains in the world. Walmart’s success can be attributed partly to its cheap pricing on popular and necessary items. Let us know about “Walmart Target Market”
Perhaps you’re curious about who Walmart primarily sells to in the United States. Is there a particular age group that tends to frequent Walmart the most?
What follows is a comprehensive guide to Walmart’s ideal American customer.
Targeting shoppers of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds, Walmart offers low pricing on many Products. While women make up a more significant percentage of Walmart shoppers, the average customer age is 46. Sixty percent of Walmart’s shoppers are also white or Caucasian.
Walmart Target Group
Walmart serves a wide variety of customers, but some groups definitely frequent the store more than others. Walmart customers are regular people looking to save money on necessities and luxuries.
People who buy at Walmart are typically bargain hunters who have worked hard for the money they spend. For shoppers on a tight budget, Walmart is a haven since the retailer consistently offers the best prices online and in-store.
Walmart Target Age Group
While Walmart does its best to appeal to shoppers of all ages, the company focuses much of its advertising on the generation commonly known as Millennials. Walmart targets Millennials because they are a younger demographic that has not yet formed brand loyalties.
Walmart adopts social media as part of its marketing strategy to reach the younger generation. In addition, millennials value Walmart’s competitive pricing on necessities like food, paper goods, and home furnishings over other retailers.
Walmart Shoppers’ Racial Demographic Distribution
Walmart’s consumer base is overwhelmingly white or caucasian, according to racial profiling.
For instance, in the United States, White people make up approximately 60% of Walmart’s customer base.
Besides Black clients, Hispanics make up a sizable portion of Walmart’s clientele.
Walmart’s clientele is racially consistent with the retail industry, with White customers making up the bulk of the store’s clientele.
Walmart Shoppers’ Age Grade
Walmart customers are, on average, 46 years old, according to a study that compared the typical ages of customers at several retailers. Over twenty-five percent of Walmart shoppers are between the ages of 25 and 34.
A diverse range of age groups shops at Walmart because of the store’s low costs and large selection. Examples of age groups who shop at Walmart include those between 18 and 65.
Unlike many other retailers, Walmart does not specifically court any one generation. To a large extent, Walmart can meet the needs of customers of all ages because of its extensive product selection.
Gender-Based Analysis Of Walmart’s Customer Base
Neither gender significantly dominates Walmart’s customer base. But more women than males use Walmart for their shopping needs.
Women make up about 60% of Walmart’s clientele, while males account for only 40%.
Customers’ shopping behavior at Walmart follows the same pattern as in other major retail stores like Target, Kroger, and Costco. Women constitute a disproportionately large portion of the clientele at Walmart and comparable stores.
Income-Based Distribution of Walmart’s Customer Base
Walmart’s low pricing, accessible to families with a wide range of incomes, is a significant selling point. But Walmart consumers have an average income of $76,000, with the wealthiest 10% claiming incomes of $100,000 or more.
Customers with an annual income between $25,000 and $50,000 are Walmart’s second most common demographic. Walmart has been shown to have a lower proportion of shoppers with yearly incomes of $100,000 or more than rivals like Target and Costco.
For instance, whereas between 30 and 40% of Walmart consumers have household incomes of above $100,000, between 40 and 50% of Costco and Target customers do.
Shopping Frequency At Walmart
With more than 4000 locations in the US, you probably have a Walmart not too far from you. Customers shop at Walmart more frequently than at competitors like Target because of the store’s widespread availability. Customers typically make a trip to Walmart every 21 days.
The average Target customer spends 47.7 days researching and making a buy before making a purchase. Customers also tend to buy more things at Walmart each visit, than at other retailers.
Shoppers at Walmart typically pick up 11 things and drop $51 during a single outing.
Shoppers at Target typically purchase 7.6 things during each visit, compared to 7.4 products at Walmart.
More evidence that Walmart has more affordable prices than its rivals.
Regarding the demographics of its clientele, Walmart strives to appeal to the broadest possible cross-section. This means that Walmart serves a diverse client base, ranging in age from 18 to 65, with a median shopper age of 46.
In addition, people from all walks of life shop at Walmart, with those with annual incomes of $100,000 or more make up the bulk of the store’s clientele.
However, customers on a tight budget may find Walmart’s everyday cheap pricing very appealing.
Does Walmart Give Preferential Treatment to Certain Customer Bases?
Walmart believes in equality; thus, every shopper is deemed essential and treated so. However, as a matter of courtesy, seniors may be aided during shopping.
What is Walmart’s Daily Patronage Rate?
Walmart serves clients from all walks of life. Every day, about 37 million people flock to Walmart to do their shopping.
Also, a 2019 research notes that Walmart serves an average of 271 million customers per week.