How To Turn Vodafone Voicemail Off?-Know More

Vodafone Group is a British Telecommunication Company that was founded in the year 1991, which is almost 30 years ago. Ernest Harrison & Gerry Whent are known to be the founders of this company. The products listed under the Vodafone group are Mobile telephony, Broadband, Digital television, and Internet television services. By connecting people, places, and things. Vodafone happens to be the leading brand helping its customers making a better future. Vodafone operates in 20 countries including the US, Russia, and many more. Let’s know more about How To Turn Vodafone Voicemail Off?

How To Turn Vodafone Voicemail Off-Know More

Coming on to the voicemail services offered by Vodafone which allows you to leave voice messages, or recordings if the person you are trying to contact is not available at that moment and you want your message to reach out to them. But, there can be many reasons that you do not prefer to use this feature may be because you feel that your recorded message can be insufficient or if you are not ready to pay an additional charge just for recording a message. Luckily, there are ways in which you can turn off the voicemail services provided by Vodafone.

Reasons to turn off Voicemails-

  1. It can cause unwanted disturbances if you are not in a mood to talk or listen to some messages.
  2. Sending a voicemail is much more complicated & one needs to have a grasp of it. Even the one receiving the voicemail needs to know how to access it and reply to it otherwise it is of no use. And there is a section of people who still do not have a proper idea about this feature which can be a boon for them.
  3. This feature might require additional charges that may seem too much at times. You may not want to spend so much just on sending a voice message when there are so many apps and facilities where you can leave voice notes and recordings.
  4. Voicemails may seem impersonal at times & a person might feel that they are not clear enough to the sender.

Steps to turn off Vodafone Voicemail- 

Since in today’s era text messages has become more accessible than sending voice mails & you can just read it and reply whenever you want, people might not want to move forward with this feature. So, if you are planning to discontinue this feature you are free to do that. Let us look at a few steps that will allow you to easily turn off the voicemail services-

  1. The first method is if you are availing this service as a free subscription, you can immediately get it deactivated just by going to your phone’s

Settings > Phone > Turn off the voicemail

  1. The second method is calling the operator and asking to get the voicemail deactivated on your phone. It can be done by

Calling their toll-free number- 1210 / 1213

And select the options as mentioned by them over the call.

  1. You can also run a test to make sure that the voicemail got deactivated by calling the same number from another mobile phone or just asking someone else to call you and let the phone ring till the end. If it asks you to leave a voice message, then there was some error in the process & it did not get deactivated. On the other hand, if there is no voicemail option at the end, congratulations, you have succeeded in turning it off. 
  2. You can also call your carrier’s representative or the customer care number & simply ask them to turn off your Voicemail settings and you will be further guided by them. 


Just like voicemails can be of much use they can also be a disadvantage to many users. Voicemails are now considered to be a backdated feature with the introduction of so many new apps and features on your smartphones. Just leave a text or a voice recording on WhatsApp or any other networking app & you are good to go. Turning off Voicemails in the Vodafone network is not a complex process and can be easily performed by anyone. All you need to do is dial the correct number according to your country and follow the steps accordingly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long can you store a voicemail in Vodafone?

Vodafone voicemail can store up to 10 messages at a time & all the messages that haven’t been played will get deleted after ten days. 

  1. Is voicemail safe?

Since voicemail usually has a 4-digit pin as security it is often weak and easy for a hacker to hack your account and access our voicemail box. 

  1. Does Voicemail use your phone storage?

Regular voicemail is generally stored on servers that are regulated by the network operator and since the messages get deleted after a certain time it does not consumes a lot of space.

How To Turn Vodafone Voicemail Off?-Know More

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