How Long Does USPS Forward Mail?

Here we will see about the How Long Does USPS Forward Mail?

What is USPS?

The United States Postal Service is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government. It is established to receive and deliver postal or mail services in the United States. The United States Postal Service was formed on July 1st, 1971 in Washington DC. The USPS international mail services are connected with more than 180 countries such as Australia, Canada, Britain, India, Japan Mexico, Switzerland, France etc. Excluding Sunday, everyday in the United States exceeding 700 million post mails and packages are classified  and delivered.

How Long Does USPS Forward Mail?

What is called forwarded on USPS?

When the United States Postal Service sends you mail or parcel post to a different address other than your present address is  called the United States Postal Service forwarding your mail or parcel post. This happens usually because you changed your regular address or the address written on the mail or parcel post may be wrong or something went wrong in the delivery process.

The reasons were the USPS forwarded your mail or parcel post to a different address?

  • People adding the wrong address on the USPS mail and parcel post or package.
  • People recently completed a change of address on USPS mail or package.
  • Weather conditions: If it has been raining, then the envelope  may get wet, then the address on it may be blurred and be mistaken for some other address.
  • Label or stamp has been detached, that is it can be removed by accident in the process.

How long does USPS forward mail?

The United States Postal Service forwards your mail till 365 days (1 year) from the date of your mail sent; it involves priority mail services, first-class mail services and first-class package services.

  • Priority Mail Service: Priority mail provides fast mail service in the United States it combines value and speed of the mail.
  • First Class Mail Service:  It includes cards, letters, flats and parcels. The best part is, you can pay the same price for the mail, it doesn’t consider  how far the mail travels across the United States.
  • First-Class Package Services: It is simply known as parcel post and  it weighs more than first-class mail service and priority mail service that weigh 15.99 ounces.

Till one year, USPS holds your mail or package. While we are waiting for our mail or parcel post from USPS, we may receive forwarded status in our tracking notification. To get our mail or parcel post in our hands USPS offers three options from which we have to select one.  They are:

  • Permanent change of address
  • Temporary change of address
  • Premium forwarding service
  • Permanent change of address: This option we have to choose when you have moved to some other address and do not plan to move back or intend on residing at your new address.
  • Temporary change of address: As the name suggested, it is changed to temporary address it will allow for mail or parcel post to be forwarded to another location from 15 days and up to six months make sure to list a date that is not the two days older than tot hay and up to three months into the future.
  • Premium Forwarding Service:  Is a short supply feature of the United States Postal Service. In this, USPS holds your mail or parcel post and ships it to your hand weekly, it comes under Priority mail service premium service is more flexible than the non premium service.

Steps to change the address in United States Postal Service:

  • Visit the United States Postal Service website
  • Fill out information in the change of address page
  • Once your change of address has been completed, you will get email confirmation
  • For the change of address in the United States Postal Service it may charge $1.

It usually takes 7 to 9 business days to change the address on United States Postal Service mail and parcel post or package.

Can people pick up forwarded mail or packages at the post office?

The United States Postal Service package prevents you from changing your destination of a  domestic shipment which has not been delivered or released to delivery, you can also request at a post office to hold your mail and packages for you to pick up. You may also request at the post office to change your mail or package as priority mail for back to your address.


Make sure that the sender of the USPS mail and packages or parcel post has the right address and we must feel happy that the United States Postal Service has given an option to get our mail and parcel post or package into our hands even though any hurdles came in the delivering process.

The hard news is that the United states Postal Service (USPS) can no longer receiving or deliver international postal on mail services to several countries due to the COVID-19 effect.

How Long Does USPS Forward Mail?

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