Day: September 18, 2021

How much did Billy Bob truly Weigh in the movie ‘Varsity Blues’?

Ron Lester, who played the role of Billy Bob in the movie Varsity Blues died of Organ failure in 2016. He was 45 years old when he died due to organ failure, he was hospitalized for a long time and was kept on the ventilator. Actor, Ron Lester’s first opportunity came through when he was […]

How Effective is a Tragus Piercing for Anxiety?

Today we have a lot of misinformation all around us but we still believe it. Ancient people for so long have given certain remedies that do work. Today we will look into one such remedy for relieving anxiety. Read more to know how effective is a tragus piercing for anxiety. Tragus piercing for ages is known […]

What does PS stands for and its usage with Examples?

PS has its origin rooted in the days when letters were handwritten or prepared with a typewriter. It is the short form of the Latin word “postscriptum”. Postscriptum means “after the text” or “written after”. When letter writing was introduced as a means of communication, there was no generally accepted way a letter could be […]

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