
Getting Laid Off From Your Job Isn’t The End Of Your World, It Isn’t The End At All

Even in uncertain and often, swift, changes—there is an odd hope that emerges. One year ago, this month, I was laid off from a tech job. It’s not a story untold, but as a creative living, thriving, and sustaining oneself in the Bay Area—rent prices speak higher than happiness. Lets dive in. Just shy of […]

Uh Huh Honey, A Book About Kanye West That We Didn’t Know We Needed

When the fandom cries, it screams—for Red Gaskell, a former SF-now-NYC inhabitant, his Kanye West inspired book has reach a sickening level of popularity overnight. When Kanye revived his Twitter account, the internet went wild—so wild, in fact, that the fandom couldn’t keep up. Drawing conclusions left and right about his one-sentence updates, the cryptic […]

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