Does Houzz accept Affirm? – know more

Houzz is an online platform that caters to the needs of people who are thinking of designing or remodeling their houses. The platform can best be described as an online community for architectural planning, interior designing, and home improvement. Founded in February 2009 by the couple Adi Tatarko and her husband Alon Cohen, the Houzz community comprises people from all over the world. With over 40 million users, the home improvement website operates with 1,800+ employees and is currently valued at $ 3.9 billion. Let’s know about Does Houzz accept Affirm?

Does Houzz accept Affirm?

While most retailers in the US have incorporated major installment service companies like Affirm, Klarna, etc., as alternative payment options, Houzz is an exception to the list. Currently, the Houzz website only supports Paypal and Afterpay as payment methods for eligible items. The home improvement platform doesn’t accept Affirm financing support. Does Houzz accept Affirm? – let’s know.

Why doesn’t Houzz accept Affirm?

New payment methods came up in recent years, with the buy now pay later option being one of them. Affirm is an installment service company founded in 2012 that allows its users to make payments for their purchases in installments without paying any extra fees. 

  • Affirm doesn’t charge payment due from its customers at the time of purchase, unlike Afterpay and Paypal. 
  • While using Paypal or Afterpay as payment methods, an individual’s previous purchases and their frequency of payments are considered. Though the spending limit starts small, it increases gradually based on regular payments. However, this isn’t the case with Affirm. Despite bad and late payments, every Affirm individual has the same spending limit.
  • To qualify for a loan on Affirm, individuals have to clear a credit check and possess a minimum credit score. This factor deters many individuals from using Affirm. 
  • Affirm charges interest on every purchase made by an individual, unlike Afterpay and Paypal. The interest rate depends on various factors like frequency of payment, bad payments, etc., and ranges between 0 to 30%. 

Payment/Financing methods accepted by Houzz

As of 2022, Houzz supports the following payment/financing options-

  • Visa Credit Card
  • MasterCard
  • Discover Card
  • American Express Card
  • PayPal
  • Afterpay
  • Houzz Credit Card
  • Houzz MasterCard

The credit and debit cards used to make payments must be issued by the US bank, with the billing address in the US or Canada. Houzz doesn’t accept credit cards with billing addresses outside the US. 

Houzz Cards

As mentioned above, Houzz accepts Houzz credit/MasterCard as an alternative payment method. So, what exactly are these cards? The Houzz cards are issued by Comenity Capital Bank and are a part of the Houzz loyalty program. 

Benefits Of Houzz Cards

  • Both Houzz Mastercard and Houzz Credit card come with a welcome reward of $50. Additionally, customers receive $50 reward dollars if they spend $500 on Houzz Mastercard within the first 90 days of opening the account.  
  • Customers receive 5% cash back in the form of Houzz reward dollars while shopping with any Houzz cards. These reward dollars should be converted into reward certificates before being used for future purchases. 
  • The Houzz Mastercard can be used for shopping outside the website, and a 1% reward dollar is granted on every purchase. 
  • The Houzz Credit card can be used to get special financing while shopping on the website. 

Besides these benefits, the cards come with zero annual fees and 24/7 customer support. 


Houzz is an online home improvement platform started by an American couple Adi Tatarko and her husband, Alon Cohen, in February of 2009. The company is committed to making home improvement easy and accessible to its customers through its online community, design inspirations, professional help for home building/designing, an online store with a vast collection of home improvement products, and so much more. 

Currently, the company only accepts PayPal and Afterpay besides other payment methods and doesn’t accept Affirm financing support due to some reasons. Among other payment methods are Houzz Credit and Mastercard, which can be used for purchases on the Houzz website to receive exciting rewards. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Houzz Locations That Can Be Visited Physically?

Houzz is an American-based online home improvement platform that operates entirely online without any stores and inventories. Customers can browse the Houzz online store to find a variety of home improvement resources and shop for them directly from the website. 

Does Houzz Drug Test While Hiring?

No, Houzz doesn’t drug test the candidates while hiring. However, the company runs a background check, and only the candidates with a clean background are hired. 

Does Houzz Have Any Reward Programs?

Houzz has two reward programs- the Houzz credit card rewards program and the Houzz master card rewards program. 

After shopping on the Houzz website using either Houzz credit or debit cards, customers receive 5% cashback in the form of Houzz reward dollars on every purchase. These rewards can be redeemed for future purchases. 

Which Bank Issues Houzz Mastercard And Credit Cards?

Currently, Comenity Capital Bank issues the Houzz Mastercard and Credit cards that can be used to shop on the Houzz website. The Houzz cards come with great benefits and rewards. 

Does Houzz accept Affirm? – know more

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