The Longevity of Moonshine- Read more about it

Moonshine is a homemade, unaged whisky. First, ask yourself what type of Moonshine you are dealing with, whether it is zero-sugar or flavored. How the Moonshine was made and stored will change the shelf life of the alcohol. It can also be important to refrigerate it. Let us know more detail about ‘The Longevity of Moonshine’.

The Longevity of Moonshine
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The Longevity of Moonshine

The type of Moonshine will significantly impact its shelf life. If the Moonshine is made without sugar, unopened, and kept out of direct sunlight, the shelf life is indefinite even if it is stored in the refrigerator or on a shelf. However, if the seal is broken, then the shelf life is shortened. Moonshine made with sugars or flavored naturally have a shorter shelf life of about 2-3 years if kept sealed and out of direct sunlight. If the container is open on the flavored Moonshine, it has a reduced shelf life of 3-6 months. If opened/ flavored Moonshine has been stored in the refrigerator, it can extend the shelf life. For the most part, Moonshine that is sealed will last years.

Zero- Sugar Moonshine:

Moonshine is generally characterized by being distilled with zero sugars. For the most part, when discussing Moonshine, it is referred to as its pure form- having no sugar. Since there is zero sugar in it, if kept sealed and out of direct sunlight, it will not spoil. If the seal is broken, the shelf life is reduced to 6 months.

Moonshine with Added Sugar:

If unopened and kept out of direct sunlight, flavored Moonshine with added sugar will last 2-3 years. However, if the seal is broken, it reduces the shelf-life to 3-6 months.

Shelf or Refrigerator?

Zero- sugar Moonshine does not need to be refrigerated for storage. However, it will not damage the drink if you were to store it in the refrigerator. If opened, flavored Moonshine will benefit from being stored in a refrigerator. As opposed to common belief, Moonshine will not get stronger/ more potent if left sealed over time.

Properly Storing Moonshine:

Regardless of whether your Moonshine is flavored or not, you should store it in a cold, dark place with the container sealed. Keeping the container sealed will not allow any oxygen to get to it. An oxidation process can occur when oxygen can change the structure of the alcohol. Furthermore, light exposure and heat can cause changes in the flavor of the liquor. For the best results, it is recommended that you store your Moonshine in this way. However, if the seal has been broken, you should keep in mind the shortened shelf life as well as, consider refrigerating it if it is flavored.

Indications your flavored Moonshine has gone bad:

-Foul Taste.

-Discolouration/ texture.

When in doubt, you can perform a spoon test. A spoon test requires you to pour some of the liquid onto a metal spoon and set it on fire. If it burns with a blue flame, it is said to be safe for consumption. However, if it burns with a red or yellow flame, that indicates that it contains lead, which is poisonous.

It is important to note that the spoon test is not entirely reliable as it does not indicate other toxins that could be present in the Moonshine. Consumption of these other toxins, specifically Methanol, can be detrimental to your health and even cause blindness or even death.


Now we have learnt ‘The Longevity of Moonshine’, The longevity of Moonshine is affected by many factors. The presence of sugar, if sealed and in some cases if it’s kept in the refrigerator. Zero- Sugar Moonshine, should typically last forever if kept unopened and out of direct sunlight. If opened, the Moonshine will last only 6 months. Refrigeration of Zero- sugar Moonshine is not necessary. Furthermore, a flavored Moonshine, if unopened and out of direct sunlight will last 2-3 years and only 3-6 months if opened. The shelf life of flavored Moonshine can be prolonged by refrigeration.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Can Moonshine Freeze?

Moonshine can freeze. However, it requires about -37 degrees C / -35 degrees F. Most home freezers cannot reach such cold temperatures. Storing Moonshine in the freezer/ refrigerator can help maintain the freshness of the drink.

2) How is Moonshine made?

Moonshine is made through fermenting grains with sugars and yeast followed by distillation. Through the fermentation process, the yeast produces Ethanol. The Ethanol is then heated to extract it from the water. This process gives us Moonshine. It is important to note that the creation of Moonshine is illegal.

3) What is Moonshine made from?

Moonshine is made from any grain or fruit. Most commonly, corn. Corn is the preferred choice since it is naturally sweet and smooth.

4) How strong is Moonshine?

On average, the proof of Moonshine could range between 100- 150 Proof. 150 Proof is equivalent to 75% alcohol. Technically, Moonshine can be distilled to about 190 proof or 95% alcohol.

The Longevity of Moonshine- Read more about it

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