Metrocard And Its Refunds

The Metrocard has become a very important item for subway travelers. Most drivers now may decide to choose metro travel due to such problems regarding too stressful driving and parking. There may be some cases where one’s Metrocard gets lost, expires or stolen. When such things occur, the New York Metropolitan Authority for Transportation offers protection and other options for one to get a refund for the card. Lets know more about Metrocard And Its Refunds.

Metrocard refunds happen only for some individuals who meet the conditions or are under specific circumstances. So, to get the refund for your card, you must have lost the card, or it gets stolen or expired. Otherwise, the Authority for Transport will nullify your refund request when you require it.

So regarding the refunding of a Metrocard, this document will quickly jump to the conditions under which one may decide or get the chance of getting the card’s refund.

Metrocard And Its Refunds

How Metrocard Refunds Work

When you get in a situation where your Metrocard becomes worthless because of such things as losing it or someone stealing, then getting a refund for the card is necessary. So, a refund for such a card will require you to request the same online by filling out a form. 

There are some considerations that one follows to get a refund. Such may include the payment method used before cannot change unless in a special case. Also, sometimes you may need to transfer the money on the card to another, especially when it gets expires.

How to Get a Metrocard Refund

There are three ways to consider using to get their Metrocard refunds; when one’s card gets stolen, when the card expires or when the card gets lost. So, depending on your situation, the way you apply for a card refund differs for the three cases.

The following are the three situations and the procedure you may apply to get the refund as soon as possible.

If the Card Gets Stolen

In times of theft of your Metrocard, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) already gets that covered. The MTA has a program for t balance protection to aid the card owners in tikes of theft. So, the protection program protects the cards against theft situations. So, one can get their refunds very easily when the card gets stolen.

To get the Metrocard refunds in times of card theft, following the steps below to request the refunds is necessary.

  1. Visit the online website for MTA.
  2. Scroll up to the section for Common Actions.
  3. Select the tab named “File a Metrocard Claim.”
  4. Select the option for File a Claim Online again.
  5. Click the link for Balance Protection Claim.
  6. Scroll again up to the checkboxes after the form has opened.
  7. Check if the conditions for your Claim are met.
  8. Go to the Customer Information area, down.
  9. Put your name, address, email, and the contact number you are using.
  10. Click to verify your address.
  11. Move to the next section, Incident Description, after verification of the address.
  12. Input the date and the relevant time when the card got stolen.
  13. Type the serial number for your Metrocard.
  14. Make sure to select the payment method used to get the card.

The valid conditions that may only apply for getting a refund on the Metrocard were when you used to get the card by paying through an ATM card, debit card and credit card. Otherwise, if you had used a cash payment to purchase the card, then a refund is impossible from the MTA regulations. 

When Your Card Gets Expired

Expired cards may pose a difficulty for one to get a refund for the Metrocard. The only condition that one may be allowed to get a refund after their card expires is if the Metrocard is the Pay-Per-Ride card. The expired card also gets two years before it could be invalid; otherwise, transferring the money to a new card after it expires is necessary.

For one to get a refund for a Metrocard that has expired, then sending a form of questionnaire is an option they would require. The MTA is the department to which the questionnaire is sent. 

When the Card Gets Lost

There are not many options and processes to request the Metrocard refunds for lost cards. One can request a refund when the card gets lost by just visiting the online website at MTA Customer Service, and from which the Metrocard section, one can click on the prefix tab and then follow the relevant and easy options to request the refund.


The Metrocard refunds are essential to receive, especially when one constantly uses the subways in New York. If the card experiences a situation such as getting stolen, lost or expires, the owner has the potential to apply for a refund. Requesting a refund is the procedure one uses to get their cards sorted. 


Can one get a refund for an expired MetroCard?

There is the eligibility for expired MetroCard refunds. Requesting a refund by relevant procedures is necessary.

Is there a possibility of trading a MetroCard?

If you want to trade your expired Metrocard, it is only possible to transfer the money in the card if it is a Pay-Per-Ride kind.

Metrocard And Its Refunds

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