Does Alexa need Wi-Fi?

A cloud-based voice service provided by Amazon, Alexa is a voice-controlled device, that allows its users to do a million things with just a command.  The technological industry is advancing, and Alexa is a prime example of the same. From helping you to listen to your favorite music to adding items to your grocery list so that you don’t forget to buy things, Alexa is your one-stop device.  Here we will see about Does Alexa need Wi-Fi?

With the incoming of Alexa, technology has advanced to another level. How we listen to music and podcasts, add things to our grocery lists, and keep ourselves updated, everything has changed. Alexa has changed the way the technology industry and people function today. A device that can do a million things by just giving it a command.

Alexa is a device that only works if it’s connected to the Wi-Fi, as the features that it provides are only accessible once the device is connected to a good Wi-Fi connection. 

Does Alexa need Wi-Fi?

Features provided by Alexa:

Alexa is a modern device that has made listening to music, news, etc. a lot easy. Here are some of the features provided by Alexa:

  • Smart Home: From plugs to cameras to light, Alexa helps make your home a smarter and automated one.
  • Productivity: Alexa helps you become more productive by helping you manage and personalize your day-to-day work and calendars.
  • Shopping: Need to quickly add something to your shopping list so that you don’t forget to buy it just say Alexa add milk into your list and you’re good to go. 
  • Entertainment: Alexa helps you tune into the best music, and podcast radio station you are in the mood to listen to.
  • Alexa together: This feature is the new way of providing support to your loved ones who live far apart from you by helping you organize customized alerts, 24 seven urgent responses, circle of support.
  • Communications: Add your contact list to Alexa and coal whoever you wish to with just a command
  • News: Want to keep yourself updated with the current things happening in and around the world just say Alexa what’s happening around me and stay updated.
  • Routines: Build your routine and add it to Alexa, I’m just mentioning it to activate that particular routine and you’re good to go.
  • Kids and family: This feature allow Alexa to help your kids with homework, entertainment, staying connected, and bedtime. 

How to make your Alexa work?

Making your Alexa function is a very easy process to do. Follow the steps and set up your Alexa device according to your preference:

  • Download the Alexa application on your phone or tablet.
  • Once the application has been downloaded log onto your Amazon account.
  • In the application tap onto “More > Add a Device > Choose the type of Amazon Echo”.
  • Your device is good to go, just plug into and sit back and relax. 

Does Alexa need a Wi-Fi connection to work?

Yes, Alexa needs a Wi-Fi connection to work. Alexa is a device that revolves around your Wi-Fi connection, you need a Wi-Fi connection so that you can access the multiple features that Alexa has to offer.

To make the most out of your Alexa device you need a Wi-Fi connection or a hotspot connection for the Alexa to function.

Connecting your Alexa to a Wi-Fi network is very easy, just follow the following steps:

  • Open your Alexa application on your phone.
  • On the portal is your application tap on more.
  • Then tap on settings.
  • Tap on device settings.
  • Select the device and then tap on change next to the Wi-Fi network.
  • Your Alexa device will go through a setup.
  • Select the Wi-Fi network that you want your device to connect to.
  • Log on to your Wi-Fi network.
  • Tap on connect. 
  • You are Alexa is connected to your Wi-Fi connection.


Getting work done with just command is how people are leading their lives now. Alexa has changed the way how people function on a day to day-to-day basis. 

Though Alexa is an example of our advancing technology, Alexa is a device that cannot function without being connected to a Wi-Fi or hotspot connection.

Use Alexa and the features that it provides to the fullest you do need to connect to a Wi-Fi to allow it to help you listen to music, news, and podcast and also help you do a lot more.

Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. How much does an Alexa cost?

An Alexa device cost ranges from $100 to $40 depending on which model you buy.

  1. Do I need a separate prime connection for my Alexa to work?

For you to use your Alexa you need to have an Amazon account however you do not need to have an Amazon prime account.

  1. Is Alexa a wireless device?

No, Alexa is not a wireless device.

  1. Can I enable parental control over my Alexa?

Yes, you can enable parental control over your Alexa, by just going into the setting on the application and switching on the said feature. 

Does Alexa need Wi-Fi?

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