People use contact lenses for numerous reasons; some of them is to change the appearance of the color of the eyes or to avoid wearing spectacles. Unfortunately, people purchase a lot of contact lenses in a year but cannot use them until their next eye exam. These unused, unopened, and unexpired contact lenses are either […]
How Much Does Csl Plasma Pay Per Donation? – Know More
Introduction Blood Plasma is one of the parts of the Human body. Blood is a collection of white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, etc…Plasma is 55% in Blood. It is in light amber color and liquid type. It helps patients with blood clotting, burns, liver problems, etc…AB blood type is considered plasma donation because […]
Plasma Donation At NYC – Know More!
Introduction All superheroes don’t wear capes. You are a hero if you donate plasma and blood too. Yes, many people in the world, especially young children, suffer from blood cancers, and plasma and other transfusions help them in their living.This article having all he information about Plasma donation at NYC, who can give donation and […]
How Much Do You Get Paid To Donate Plasma?
Plasma donation is something that people are not fully aware of. Whether it is safe to donate Plasma, Does it have any side effects, and Does it affect weight loss? These are some of the questions that revolve around plasma donation. But research shows that it is safe to donate Plasma. But not everyone can do […]
Can you donate plasma while pregnant?-Know More
It’s estimated that almost 7 million US people donate their blood each year. You may have heard about plasma donations if you’ve done blood donations before. According to Red Cross Blood, nearly 6,500 plasmas are needed daily in the US alone. This shows the importance of more people joining and donating their plasmas to help […]
Crowdsourcing Vs Crowdfunding- which is Better?
The saying goes “no man is an island” but modern society has innovated it to become “no business is an island”. Two creative developments that employ mass collaboration to achieve goals were established in recent years. They are crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Gaining access to a community that is rich in both tangible and intangible assets […]
Where Can You Donate Your Old Glasses?
The human body comprises five senses; smell, touch, hearing, taste, and sight. All are very essential and no human can comfortably without any, however, the most difficult to live without is your sight. This is because nowadays, deaf persons can relate to their world through sign language. But a blind man can’t because he has […]
How Much Does Egg Donation Pay? – Know More
Due to the rising cost of living, having other sources of income in addition to day jobs is vital for survival. One of such sources is egg donation. Egg donation is a process whereby a fertile woman, who meets certain requirements, donates eggs from an ovulation cycle to be used in processes such as in […]
Can You Donate Plasma If You Smoke Weed?- Know More About It
Blood plasma donation is a process where the liquid part of the blood is separated from the platelets and red blood cells and collected for developing treatments as well as a transfusion to patients in need. For an individual to safely donate blood, they need to be in perfect health, age, and weight. In addition, […]
Is Testicle Donation Possible And Legal?
“I’ll sell my kidney for some BTS concert tickets.” It’s crazy how much we joke around about selling our body parts for materialistic things but anyways. Maybe in some random thoughts, you may wonder, is it possible to donate one of my testicles? Or can I sell my testicles? Will it get me good money? […]