Is Prime Steak worth it?

Is Prime Steak worth it?


A happy day ends with a delicious dinner. For non-veg lovers, there can’t be anything better than freshly prepared meat for their dinner. Apart from stupendous cooking skills, one must be aware of their choice of the meat to be cooked. As of now, the Prime Steak is considered to be the best quality meat in the market. Here, let’s know ‘Is Prime Steak worth it?’

As with the best quality comes the high price. Prime quality is the most expensive category of meat in the USA market. Because of this, people might wonder about its worthiness. But, the marbling of the prime quality steak makes them worth considering once. However, there are many alternative options for it as well.

Knowing the ABC of meat categories in the USA

Meat shops in the USA are pervaded with different kinds of meat. However, the source of meat (creature) is not the only difference among meats available in shops. Shoppers have to choose their food from different categories of meet assigned by the United States Department of Agriculture.  

The USDA has classified meat into eight different categories. People will mainly find the top three categories of meat in most of the meat shops. The top three categories are Prime, Select, and Choice. The categorization is done to indicate the level of marbling, which is the amount of fat streaking within the cut of the meat. The more the amount of fat is present in the meat, the more expensive it will become.  

USDA’ Prime category meat is got from young beef cattle. These cattle are fed well and have a high amount of fat accumulated in their body.  Broiling, roasting, and grilling are some of the ways to enjoy this quality beef to the fullest. USDA’s Choice category signifies the presence of lesser marbling than Prime quality beef.    The Choice roasts and the steaks from loin and rib taste well when cooked by broiling, roasting, or grilling. The Select category of Beef has the least amount of marbling when compared to the last two categories. This category of meat is highly uniform in terms of taste and can be enjoyed when cooked by marination or braising. 

What’s in Prime?

The amount of marbling makes the Prime Meat a highly desirable food for many. But it is available at limited stores. Due to its highly expensive cost,  people prefer to explore other options. However, one benefit of this prime meat is that people don’t have to spend money on dry aging. 

The high-fat content in the meat ensures a rich flavor and enhanced taste after cooking.

Only 2% of all the beef produced in the USA is in the Prime category. This is mainly because of that only 5% of the total beef produced manages to qualify as Prime by the USDA. That’s why this category of meat is a rare and short-lasting guest of meat shops. 

Price of Prime steak

The price may vary depending upon the kind of Prime quality meat sold by the shopkeeper. In the case of prime rib, its Prime quality is available at an average price of $17 for a pound. Whereas shoppers have to pay $13 for the same meat belonging to the ‘Choice’ category. The stark price difference is visible. Dry aging by butcher shops; add around $2 to $3 extra for every pound. 

Where to purchase Prime steak?

The obvious answer to this question is the local beef store. However, there are many more options where people can search for Prime Meat. There are also chances that one may face difficulty in purchasing their desired kind of meat from the Prime category. It is always great to start from your nearby shops. If the nearby local shops do not keep Prime category beef, then one can check online on different stores. Various big supermarket chains like Walmart also keep this category of meat. Hence, it would be nice to check online on such stores as well. Stores like Whole Foods, Whole Foods Market also keep good quality Prime Meat. 

Checking authenticity before buying:

Due to the high demand for Prime beef in the market, it is easy to find shopkeepers selling fake Prime quality meat. There are sections of meat in shops and groceries, named as Prime category meat. But the USDA shield imprinted on the packet of the meat is the most reliable proof of its authenticity.

Is Prime Worth it?

Based on the marbling, there is no doubt that USDA Prime category beef is the best for some grilling, roasting, or marination. However, on the given high price of this category, people can look for some other options under the ‘Choice’ and ‘Select’ category.  In the end, the cooking procedure is the essence of a lip-smacking beef dish.


 The USDA has classified meat produced in the USA based on marbling. This categorization will help the shoppers in making an informed and tastier choice regarding what they eat. The topmost category, Prime, is heavily demanded in the market. 

As only 5% of the beef produced qualifies as Prime, it is difficult to match the market demand. This has resulted in the high price of Prime beef. But it is always a good option, to explore other ‘Choice’ and ‘Select’ categories of meat. Hence, instead of spending on Prime steak every time, people can experiment with the meat of these categories while cooking, to get the best out of them.

Is Prime Steak worth it?

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