The vitreous body is a transparent gel-like substance that fills up the space between the lens and retina in the middle of the eyeball. It is also known as “the vitreous” or “the vitreous humor”. The clear nature of the vitreous allows light to pass through the eye and get to the retina. A Vitrectomy is a type of surgery carried out to remove part or all of the vitreous humor. This surgery is often carried out when there is a blockage preventing light from getting to the retina. Let us know ‘Vitrectomy Cost’.

How Much Does a Vitrectomy Cost?
The cost to carry out a Vitrectomy varies depending on several factors which include: the availability of insurance, the surgeon carrying out the procedure, and the type of anesthesia. On average it can vitrectomy cost anywhere from $1,000 to $8,000, depending on the factors stated above.
Why is Vitrectomy Carried Out?
Various conditions can cause a doctor to recommend a Vitrectomy some of them being:
- Vitreous hemorrhage: This is when there is a presence of blood in and around the vitreous body.
- Detached retina: This is a case where the retina gets separated from the wall of the eye. The common symptom is when there is an appearance of bits of debris, and lashes of light in the vision of view.
- Eye infections
- Damage to retinal tissue
- Eye complications arising from diabetes also known as diabetic retinopathy
- Severe eye injury
Types of Vitrectomy
There are mainly 2 types of vitrectomy depending on how the surgeon performs the procedure. The human eyeball has 2 segments – an anterior segment and a posterior segment. The anterior segment is from the cornea to the lens while the posterior extends from the lens to the retina. The vitreous humor is the fluid between the lens and the retina while the aqueous humor is the fluid between the cornea and the lens. The shape of the eyeball is maintained by these 2 fluids.
Posterior Vitrectomy: The Posterior Vitrectomy also called the Pars Plana vitrectomy is the most common approach. It is mostly done in other to perform other procedures at the back of the eye.
Anterior Vitrectomy: The anterior vitrectomy is done when the vitreous gel comes out through the anterior segment.
What Risks are possible from a vitrectomy?
A simple surgery such as removing the appendix has possible complications and risks. Although a Vitrectomy is a fairly simple surgery and is mostly successful, these are some complications that may arise;
Problems moving your eyes
Bleeding in your vitreous
Severe pain in the eye
Swelling or redness around the eye
Your vision starts to go away
Change in vision
How should you prepare for your Surgery?
- Before deciding to do any surgery, you should discuss to the fullest with your doctor the details of the surgery.
- Your healthcare professional would have had to run some tests to be able to diagnose your condition, however, further tests will be done to determine how the procedure will be carried out and other technicalities.
- You may be surprised when seemingly unrelated tests are done such as blood tests and urine analysis. They are done to ascertain your general health condition. Also, you need to discuss fully with your doctor your health history, allergies, etc. so ysour doctor will be able to make informed decisions.
- Usually, vitrectomy is performed under local anesthesia but for kids, general anesthesia is used. The doctor would give information on what you can eat and the drugs you should use before the commencement of the surgery.
- Before the surgery, eye drops will be used on the eye to dilate the pupils. Then you will change into a surgical gown and the anesthesia will be administered before the doctor starts tinkering with your eye.
- The time it takes for the surgery to complete will depend on how many procedures are being done on the eye. After the procedure, the vitreous will be filled with saline or a gas depending on which is needed. Nowadays, the eye does not need to be sutured because the incisions are so small so it is just patched up and shielded.
- You will need to be checking in with your doctor regularly so the healing process can be monitored.
The time it takes to heal after any surgery depends mainly on the type of surgery performed. However, some people heal faster than others. Generally, the recovery time for a vitrectomy surgery is between 4 to 6 weeks but this varies greatly because vitrectomy procedures are usually done alongside other procedures. It is advisable to avoid activities such as driving, reading, and exercising for a while after the surgery even though eye drops will be given to help reduce the risk of infection and also reduce inflammation. Some individuals will have to lay face down for some time to help the eye heal properly.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is Vitrectomy usually an outpatient or inpatient procedure?
Vitrectomy procedures do not usually require you to stay in the hospital so it is an Outpatient procedure.
- How is general anesthesia different from local anesthesia?
General anesthesia means the whole body will be numbed and the patient will be unconscious during the procedure and it is usually done for serious surgeries. Local anesthesia on the other hand means only a particular part of the body will be numbed and the patient will usually be awake during the operation.