Everybody will keep Dollar General in mind anytime they need to purchase goods at a discount. Furthermore, you can purchase a lot of merchandise. Likewise, it is where you will go if you need to purchase electrical or automobile components. A small selection of groceries is also sold at Dollar General. So, does the list of services supplied by Dollar General include financial services such as money orders? For more information, keep reading.

Does Dollar General Do Money Orders?
Money orders are neither sold nor cashed at any of Dollar General’s 16,000 stores. Western Union does, however, provide funds transfer services that you can access at Dollar General retailers. Users must go to WesternUnion.com or download the app to start a financial transaction, which enables them to transfer and receive cash in-store.
The following article will tell you all you need to know about making money transfers and picking up funds at Dollar General.
The Dollar General Store Accepts Money Orders
Users can’t get money orders from Dollar General at any of their locations. According to every employee, the company neither sells nor cashes money orders. You will need to run the alternate store, the banks, or Western Union to accomplish this.
There are over 17,000 stores of the company in the US. However, none of them accept money orders. Dollar General provides the customer with alternative economic services offered instead.
Why is Dollar General Unable to Issue Money Orders?
The management of Dollar General has not publicly stated the reason they don’t accept money orders. However, the main reason is safety concerns. Many stores view it as unreliable and struggle as a result of customers.
Additionally, Dollar General’s central emphasis is not on providing financial services, as one might expect from a retail store. They don’t sell or buy money orders because they don’t think it’s required for this reason.
Due to various security concerns, many stores that once accepted money orders no longer do so.
How Do I Transfer Money at Dollar General?
At Dollar General, money transfers are completed quickly and easily. Installing the Western Union software or going to the Western Union website is the first step for customers.
Select “Pay cash in-store” on the app or website. Adhere to the on-screen directions to start your cash deposit. Next, indicate how much you wish to deposit.
Once this part of the process is complete, you have 12 hours to visit your neighbourhood Dollar General to deposit the transfer sum.
The service has an $800 end cap, so users should be aware of this. Additional income transfer transactions must be completed at a different Western Union location.
What Additional Stores Accept Money Orders?
Given that Dollar General has thousands of locations across the USA, these retailers are unable to provide money order services. You would find it more practical if you learned about additional locations where you may purchase or cash money orders, though. The following shops and pharmacies accept money orders. Please look through them.
1. CVS
According to a widely used estimation, more than 9800 CVS locations are reportedly present inside the boundaries of the USA. Therefore, it would be prudent to look into CVC for money order service. At CVS, the maximum amount you may purchase with a money order is $500, and the cost is $1.25. This financial service is provided by CVS via MoneyGram.
2. Walmart
Walmart is the next-best option after CVS. Again, the fact that Walmart is readily available in so many places is why I chose it. Additionally, the majority of Americans visit Walmart to buy a variety of goods, making it simple to complete other tasks, such as acquiring money orders. Finally, since the maximum cost at any Walmart location is a mere $1, shopping there will save you 25 cents.
3. Kroger
Like Walmart, Kroger also offers money orders with a $1,000 value. The fee is notable for buying a money order at Kroger since it is less than a dollar. At Kroger, the typical cost is thought to be $0.69. Last but not least, Kroger uses Western Union to provide this money order and other financial services.
4. 7-Eleven
Western Union and MoneyGram are the two financial services that 7-Eleven provides. The cost is one drawback of purchasing money orders from this location, though. There is a minimum fee of $0.65 for money orders and a percentage fee of between 1% and 3% of the entire amount, with a cap of $500 per order. Depending on the store, it changes.
5. The United State Postal Service
In the United States, there are over 30,800 post offices. The company’s stats cannot be compared to these. Money orders can only be used for up to $1000 and cost $1.75 each. The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a convenient money order service if you are satisfied with making a trip to your local post office.
All Dollar General locations do not accept money orders. Sending and picking up money through the Western Union app or website is an alternative for those who want to handle their financial transactions at a Dollar General location.
Aside from Dollar General, other establishments also provide money order services. Therefore, you shouldn’t be concerned that Dollar General doesn’t! These include financial institutions like banks and credit unions as well as retail stores like Walmart.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Dollar General’s maximum amount for a money order?
You have the option of purchasing a money order with a total value of $800.
- Who at Dollar General provides financial services like money orders?
Western Union is the independent contractor supplying the financial service. In addition, Western Union’s banking services can be obtained at a number of different retail locations.
- What time does the dollar store open?
At eight in the morning, Dollar General will presumably start serving customers. The time that a store actually opens its doors, however, can be different from one location to another.