If we look at history, we will find many exceptional people who despite having thousands of hurdles in life, stood up and fought with robustness and wrote their names on the pages of history. These legends are inside the hearts of people and deserve pure respect. They were left with nothing and yet made everything […]
Sample Resignation Letter Because Of Health Issues
Health is the foremost priority of any human being. You may need to write a resignation letter to your current boss, when you find out that your health won’t allow you to work any further, stating to him you need the time off to take care of yourselves and would like to discontinue from thereon. […]
Can you die from Tapioca?
Introduction: Bubble tea has enjoyed immense popularity. In recent years, bubble tea shops are popping up in different parts of the world particularly in malls, on street corners basically anywhere thirsty kids, teenagers and even adults tend to love Bubble as well as teenagers. This unique and sweet-tasting drink is recognizable to most of us […]