Having a part-time job while pursuing higher education or while pursuing your dream of becoming a writer has become quite essential. If you work in one of the grocery stores you must be aware that clocking in is quite necessary. Let’s know about How to Clock In at Walmart?
To clock in means to record the time of your arrival at the store as an employee. Getting a job in one of the stores like Walmart is easy, but once you do, you must be aware of how to clock in with a badge. The clock-in system has made it very convenient for the managers to keep a tab on the employees’ shifts. Read further to find out how to go about the process!
How to Clock In at Walmart?
To effectively clock in at a Walmart store as an employee, all you have to do is:
- You can swipe your badge on the Electronic Time Clock in the Walmart store that you work at as an employee.
- When it comes to the Electronic Time Clock, as an employee, you can track your hours at the store by swiping and selecting the options provided to you, such as Clock-in, Going for a Meal, Back from the Meal, and Clock-out.
- Thus, you don’t just have to clock in as an employee, but also have to keep tabs on the other activities and remember to clock out as well.
- The year 2022 has introduced a new method as well! Now, you can also clock in by using the Me@Walmart app. The app makes use of geofencing technology.
- The beneficial part is that all you have to do is merely press a button in the app and your time will be recorded. The app also comes in handy in the sense that it tells the employees their schedules for up to 2 weeks!
After successfully clocking in at Walmart, you are required to go about your duties and responsibilities as you usually would. Walmart gives a one-hour lunch break to employees, and for that, you will need to mention it in the Electronic Time Clock as well.
What is Walmart’s Attendance Point System?
Since Walmart has lots of part-time and full-time employees that lead to the late arrival of the employees, in the year 2021, Walmart introduced the Walmart Attendance Point System program, wherein the attendance of each employee is recorded.
If you already work there, you must be aware of this. However, if you are thinking of working there, you must go through the below-mentioned points to get a good grasp of the program:
- At Walmart, under this program, you will be penalized points for procrastination and being late for your shift.
- Clocking in ten minutes late to when your shift starts is fine, but if you clock in more than ten minutes late and clock out more than ten minutes early to when your shift ends, you will get one point.
- Employees at Walmart can get between 5 to 9 points. However, if you receive 5 points, you will be fired. So, if you are a procrastinator, you will have to mend your ways!
- If you ever miss work over the holidays, you will be charged with one or three points.
To record your absence and the reason for it, all you have to do is:
- Go to the website, OneMart, and record your absence.
- You can also contact 1-800-775-5944 or the manager at your store to inform them about your absence or late arrival.
- If you fail to do either of the two, you will be liable to get charged with four points.
How to Check the Points at Walmart?
You can check how many points you have been given by following these steps:
- Access your Walmart profile and select GTA.
- When you click GTA, you will be able to see both your attendance and the total points.
- You must access this report every six months. If you have been given 4 points and have worked at Walmart for less than six months, you will be fired.
Rewards for Perfect Attendance
Walmart believes that since penalizing workers who arrive late by giving them points is a punishment, workers who are dedicated to carrying out their jobs and responsibility must be rewarded. Therefore, be it part-time or full-time, Walmart has access to your attendance record, and once found out that you have perfect attendance, i.e. you have no absences, you will get a 25% bonus. Nevertheless, even if you have one or two points, you will be considered to receive a high bonus.
Working at Walmart or working at any retail store, for that matter, requires your full attention and energy. With the coming in of systems like the Electronic Clock System, it gets easier for the managers to get access to your attendance and late arrivals. Therefore, you must be aware of what the consequences of your late arrival entail and try to arrive at your shift on time.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How many absences can I have as a Walmart employee?
You can have around 9 absences in six months.
- Are there any rewards for perfect attendance?
Yes, employees with perfect attendance get a 25% bonus.
- Will I get a point if I clock in early?
No, you will only get a point if you arrive late or clock out early. The points are negative, not positive.