Why Is Quinoa So Expensive?-Know More About It

The advent introduction of this pseudocereal crop (food) called Quinoa has been observed to be best preferred by many over the widely known cereal crops such as wheat, oat, or even barley. Quinoa is a good crop with higher nutritional benefits than its counterparts in the family tree. It is one food that even most religious and vegetarian people can comfortably eat with no fear of any food-related complications. In plain terms, this crop (Quinoa) has a high content of protein than wheat, oat, or barley. It is quite surprising to note how this new cereal has gained ground in the market to the point of becoming more expensive than the aged counterparts that have been in existence before its discovery. Here lies the big question, why is this new cereal(Quinoa) so expensive?

Why Is Quinoa So Expensive?

Why is Quinoa so expensive?

There are several factors, when summed up, that have given this cereal an edge over others when it comes to price. Quinoa is considered expensive because it has a low glycemic index thus, most diabetics can freely eat it without getting to worry about their sugar level. Also, the cultivation and growing period are costly and a bit long (90-120 days), coupled with the growing condition of subjecting the cereal under no low temperature is believed to be a factor in causing it in being expensive. In terms of its nutritional value in protein content than its cereal-based other crops, demand for it based on its nutritional benefit has also culminated in its price rise above others. Finally, the spike in the demand for Quinoa rose above its production by the Quinoa farmers. The inability of the farmers to measure up to the demand is said to have contributed immensely to the price of this cereal. 

Where is the Origin of Quinoa? 

This fast popularity gaining cereal was first discovered within the mountainous regions of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. Although speculations and assumptions are tracing its origin to North America believed that its ancestor is the Chenopodium berlandieri, which is a prominent crop in North America. However, some researchers believe that the crop has been in existence since 5000 years ago and for it to be one of the major food of South American regions with the Incas as the first growers of quinoa. Even though it originated from the mountainous regions, its history and origin are a fiddle as to why such crops have become so expensive. 

Is Quinoa also Popular? 

Currently, within South and North American regions, quinoa has gained popularity not because it is one of their major crops cultivated but because of the nutritional and health benefit, it has. Outside the aforementioned regions, quinoa is gradually gaining ground although, wheat and oats are still preferred and known. Especially, the African regions are yet to familiarize themselves with quinoa as they are already used to wheat and oat. 

But for those, who know how nutritious quinoa is and the health benefits are gradually dropping off the consumption of wheat or oat for intake or consumption of quinoa. This is because it is a gluten-free grain that is friendly to any health-conscious individual. 

Does Quinoa Truly Worth its price?

Most people keep wondering if quinoa truly merits the hyping and the valuation it has attained in the market. Imagine purchasing a small bag of quinoa at $9.99 when you can get triple the size of the same bag for rice at the same price rate. It sounds crazy, right? However, quinoa commands a great number of nutritional contents that make it valued so high thus, making it that expensive. What could be the nutritional content of Quinoa?

The nutritional and health benefit of quinoa that has made it a hot cake and most sought after including the following: 

  • A good source of Protein: there is a greater protein content in quinoa than in other cereal crops. Quinoa weighing about 185g when cooked, is capable of providing about 8.14g of protein. Not just the protein aspect, its protein nature provides a wide range of amino acids that are essential in the body such as Lysine which is essential for growth and development. This makes quinoa the best choice amongst its cereal family by vegans. 
  • High in fiber: it is higher in fiber content than other grains. Fiber plays a major role in the body system in lowering the cholesterol level, and reducing appetite, and plays a major role in the gastrointestinal tract in getting rid of certain diseases such as constipation. It also reduces the occurrence of diverticulosis and the risk of developing high blood pressure.  
  •  Moderate Carbohydrate Content: unlike some foods with a high glycemic index rate, quinoa has a low glycemic index which explains the fact that when ingested, it has a sub-minimal rate of increasing the sugar level of the individual. Taking food high in glycemic index can pre-dispose one into having heart-related complications, diabetes, or come down with obesity. 
  • Major Source of Mineral: this is one of the reasons that quinoa is desired by many. It is a good source of some of the minerals needed by the body such as magnesium, manganese, folate, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, Vitamin B1, B6, and B12. These minerals are essential in one way or the other in the body such as the manganese is essential for development and metabolism, iron is a major part of hemoglobin which forms a compound necessary to carry oxygen around the body, and magnesium is highly multi-functional in enzymatic reactions that take place in the cells of the body. 
  • Good source of antioxidant: antioxidants are essential in neutralizing the oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body. Quinoa is a good source of Vitamin E which is a good antioxidant. Vitamin E helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases and some eyes complications. For the old men, taking quinoa will provide antioxidants that help in boosting their immune system and reducing their risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 


Overlooking how expensive quinoa is and focusing on the nutritional and health benefits of eating it will make you appreciate the farmers who doggedly cultivate and make available this awesome grain. Quinoa when taken into the body, helps in total body regeneration in building a strong body system starting from the bones & tissue and down to the entire internal body organs and systems. Despite its long cultivation process, quinoa doesn’t take time in preparation and can be combined with any other dish or fruits and vegetables. Most vegans and diabetic patients don’t need to worry about what enters their mouths in case of consuming quinoa. Being a source of protein and having a low glycemic index rate makes it suitable for intake by vegans and diabetics. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Which soil is best for growing quinoa?

Well-drained loamy soil with a pH range of 6-8 is the best for cultivating quinoa. 

  1. Is it an annual, biennial, or perennial crop?

Quinoa is simply an annual crop. It takes about 120 days for quinoa to be produced from seedling to harvest. 

Why Is Quinoa So Expensive?-Know More About It

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