What is Amazon Household?

There is an Amazon Household extension that allows account holders to share all of their Amazon benefits with their family members, whether that is their children or spouse. They can also share their benefits with anyone else who lives in their household. You have the option to add additional family members to your Amazon Household account, giving them the ability to use Amazon Prime shipping, Amazon Music, Free Prime Video, and all the other benefits of the account holder.

What is Amazon Household?

About Amazon

A multinational technology company based in the United States, Amazon.com, Inc. specializes in online retail, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.

What is the process of creating an Amazon household?

To create a household account on Amazon, customers need to follow these steps:

Select Accounts & Lists on your Amazon Prime account page once you have logged into your account.

You must select “Amazon Household” from the list of options in the box marked “Shopping programs and rentals”.

When customers sign into their Amazon Household account, they will see that they will be able to add family members to their account, as well as see a list of options available to their family members through their account.

How Does It Work?

Amazon has made it easy for customers to share their Amazon Prime membership benefits with other members of their family or friends. Amazon Household needs to be set up as an Amazon Prime account application before customers can use it. Then, each family member in the household needs to have their profile in the Amazon Household app. Amazon currently allows adults to create up to two profiles, children to create up to four profiles, and teenagers to create up to four profiles. Members of a household can be added to their account by following the steps below:

Adding an Adult Profile:

You can open your Amazon Household account by logging into your Amazon Prime account.

On the top of your computer screen, you will see the option called “Add Adult.”.

Select the option to sign up together, or you can choose the option to add them to the account as adult number two by entering their email address into the box and clicking Continue or Select. You must verify the other adult’s account before he or she can proceed to the second option if you choose it.

Choose whether to share Amazon Prime benefits and payment options with the recipient.

You will then see two profiles, side by side when you choose the “Create Household” option. Click “Complete” after selecting the second adult profile.

If you want to share more information, you need to click “Next,” which will let you move to the next profile.

Adding a Child Profile:

On the main page, go to the “Add Child” option.

The user has to enter information about their children, such as their name, their date of birth, and gender, in a pop-up window that will appear on their browser.

After selecting “Save”, you can choose which of the benefits your child can take advantage of.

Adding a Teen Profile:

The Teen Page will be redirected to you once you click on “Add Teen” on the homepage.

To set up your teenager’s profile and account preferences, such as shipping information, payment options, notifications, etc., click the “Sign Up Now” button.

Provide an e-mail address or phone number from which your teenager can accept the invitation and complete the account-setting process.

How Much Does It Cost?

The Amazon Household service is a free one that is available through Prime. Customers must possess Prime before getting an Amazon house account. As part of Amazon Prime, you will have access to Amazon Household as well as some other services such as Prime Video, Prime Shipping, and Amazon Photos that are also included in your total price of $12.99 a month. To get the most out of it, the customer should consider purchasing an Amazon Prime account. By doing so, they will be able to monitor their family’s screen time, enjoy faster shipping services, and more.

Amazon Household Good: Does it work?

For those families that make regular use of Amazon Prime, It is a helpful and easy app to use.

In addition to providing parents with the ability to keep track of their children’s screen time, the application will enable them to purchase gifts without the order being seen by their recipients. As a result, Amazon Household is only worthwhile if individuals have underage children who should be watched when they shop online or use an Amazon/mobile device, or if couples wish to keep private purchases that they make for gift giving or the like.

Alternatively, other members of the household using their own Amazon Prime accounts may find that Amazon Household is of little use, as they are already enjoying benefits, such as free shipping and Prime video, that come with their Prime accounts. For this reason, in the case of a customer considering creating an Amazon Household, it is recommended that they first determine how much it will be used by the members of their household, particularly if they do not yet own an Amazon Prime account.


As part of the Amazon Household service, Amazon Prime account holders can share the benefits of their accounts with household members. Parents can set boundaries and monitor the usage of Amazon Prime by their children, spouses, and teens online in their profiles, allowing parents to better monitor the use of Amazon Prime by their family members.

Frequently asked questions

Members of Amazon households can see their order histories?

Household account on Amazon.com. Several users hold the same account, but they cannot see each other’s items or order history.

What is Amazon Household?

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