Day: August 6, 2021

Molecular geometry for HCN- Drawing of Lewis structure

Draw the Lewis structure & Molecular geometry for HCN: explain the configuration in the molecule of valence electrons around the atoms A chemical compound with the formula HCN is hydrogen cyanide. It is also called prussic acid. It is a liquid that is colorless, highly toxic, and flammable in nature. HCN is a particularly valuable […]

Who is Larry Hemsworth?- Full History

So I know most of you are probably wondering, “Who is Larry Hemsworth?” or maybe thinking, “Wait, did God create another gorgeous Hemsworth brother? They must have heard my prayers…” Or maybe even, “Wait… who Luke Hemsworth is? Isn’t he Larry Hemsworth?” This topic does require some clarity. The popular and hilarious series ‘The Good […]

What are the Examples of Nucleic Acid in Food?

Food can be defined as any edible chemical substance consumed by living things for energy, growth, and development. Food can either be derived from plants or animals. A nucleic acid is a major component of both plant and animal cells. The two major nucleic acids present in both plants and animals are Ribonucleic acid (RNA) […]

Unique Triangle- Conditions to Create an Unique Triangle

A unique triangle is a polygon that does not have any equivalent. It means that there is no other triangle that has the same dimensions and shape. Those trigonal figures are said to be unique that can be created in only one way. All triangles of this sort are congruent. Even if you turn or […]

Can Standard Deviation Be Negative?- A Complete Guide with Examples

Can Standard Deviation Be Negative? The minimum standard deviation possible is zero. The standard deviation from the minimum feasible value should be zero. If you are not approximately equal to at least two figures in your data set, the standard deviation must be higher than 0 – positive. Standard deviation cannot be negative in any […]

List Of Birds That Start With P- 6 Names of Birds

List of Birds that Start with P: Parrots, Partridges, Pelicans, Penguins, Puffbirds, and Potoos. There exist a plethora of birds globally Across the world, different birds mean different things to diverse communities/people. Take a swan, for instance. Swans are viewed as symbols of grace, beauty, love, trust, and most of all, loyalty. Additionally, swans are […]

Soft Pastel Techniques- A Clear Guide

What are Soft Pastel Techniques? There are two types of dyes that we use in soft pastel painting. These are organic and inorganic. Organic dyes are called pigments. Organic dyes are obtained from plants containing various colored substances, animals with colored shells, and animal feces. Non-organic dyes are made from various colored stones, colored clay, […]

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