Since time immemorable man’s best friend has been their four-legged companions, dogs. Not only do some dog owners treat their dogs as a family member but also spend a considerable amount of time with them daily. Everyone is aware of the fact that people with dogs have better physical and mental health than non-dog owners. […]
Best Ice Cream Puns
Scorching sun draining you out? Confused about whether to settle on a brownie or fudge for dessert? There’s hardly any argument to debate on the fact that ice cream is easily one of the most preferred desserts. If you want to go easy on your pockets, ice cream; if you want to splurge, ice cream. […]
Best Science Puns
Science is like a mystery for those who don’t understand the science behind it! Funny? Absolutely Yes. Read more about Best Science Puns. Science isn’t always about chemical reactions, mechanics, elaborative diagrams of a cell that is indeed invisible. Theoretically, it’s serious stuff, but practically it’s not. Or maybe it’s the other way round. Let’s […]
Best Cheese Puns
Cheese, a unique and flavorful milk product, is something we all love to consume with our meals. There are so many varieties of cheese worldwide, some say more than a thousand that exceed our imagination. Being an important part of major cuisines around the globe, cheese makes itself a part of the table talk. Read more […]
What are the Best Space Puns?
Puns have a typical definition, ‘of making a joke using the different possible meanings of a word according to the dictionary. The puns have existed from the time of Christ or even before as it has been articulated by Jesus in Matthew 16:18,” Thou art Peter and upon this rock (Petra) I will build my […]
What are the best Apple Puns?
There are so many reasons why people eat fruits, one of which is that they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It is a huge part of our diet which helps us stay healthy. This is backed up by a popular pun – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. The humorous […]